Chapter 3

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You guys are lucky that writing is my escape from the world, otherwise you'd be Waiting for along time for an update! Anyways hope you're enjoying the story! I know we enjoy writing it. So here we go with Chapter 3

Louis's PoV

I walk out of the court house with a satisfied grin on my face. The judge just gave me full custody of Isabelle. Now I can leave London and start a new with my beautiful daughter.

Speaking of starting a new I know just where I want to go, plus Zayn also thinks its a good place for Isabelle to grow up.

We're actually moving tomorrow. I know it's fast but I need out of this town and I need out now.

My mother is happy that I am finally standing up for myself. She never did like Isaac; now that I think of it no one really liked Isaac. Even his own daughter don't like him. That's another. Reason i got custody of Isabelle because she screamed out in the court room she didn't want to go with her dad. I can't lie I had to hide my smirk at the look on Isaac's face. Zayn had a very smug look when she said that.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a little pair of arms wrapping themselves around my legs. Smiling I bent over and picked her up & began to swing her around. She was a giggling/laughing mess.

'Daddy! Stop please!' She giggled.

I hauled her tighter in my arms and I locked eyes with her bright blue one.

'Never!' I said before I began to swing her around in circles again.

I herd someone laugh and I looked up to see Zayn watching us with amused eyes.

'Okay you two it's time to get in the car we have to go to your old house to get the rest of your things.' Zayn reminds us.

'Will dad be there?' Isabelle soft voice says.

'No sweet he was ordered out of the house for the day.' I kissed her forehead to reassure her.

It's seems as that's all it took because she said a quick 'okay' before jumping into Zayn's car, buckling her self up.

I smiled fondly at her as I jumped in the passenger seat of the car.

Once I was safely in the car I turned on the radio.

I began to sing softly with the radio.

'You give me that kind of something want it all the time everyday.' I sang along with the radio.

'Louis you're voice never fails to impress me.' I hear Zayn's voice float around in the car.

'It's not that great.' I tell him.

'Daddy you're voice is beautiful just like you!' Isabelle never failed to make me smile.

'Thanks pumpkin.' I send her a smile over my shoulder.

The rest of the car ride we just listen to the music singing along like the fools we are.

Soon enough we pulled up to our old house. It seems as if its been a century since I last stepped into the house, but in reality it's only been two weeks.

I use my old keys to quickly unlock the door and go inside.

I stare at everything in the house with. Frown. I don't want any of this stuff... All I want is my clothes...

'Go to your room and pack your stuff. Uncle Z will go and help you.' She takes a hold of Zayn's hand and ran to her old room.

I let a sigh leave my lips as I begin to make my way to my old bedroom. I haul a few boxes with me as I enter.

A few tears prickled in my eyes as I stepped foot into the room. It smelled of sex, sex and more sex.

'Guess I'm pretty forgettable.' I mumble to myself.

I quickly to towards the closet and grabs hand fulls of my clothes and chucked them in the boxes.

Once I was done I quickly left the room, making my way towards Isabelle's room.

I stand in the doorway as I watch her carefully packing her teddy bears in the boxes.

Zayn must have felt my eyes on them because he turned around and gave me a large smile.

Isabelle finished putting the last of the things into a box and looked at the both of us.

'I am done.' I give her a smile and wall over and kiss her head, while whispering.

'How are you feeling?' I crouched down so we were eye level.

'I'm okay.' She answered softly.

'I just want to leave here.' She looks at me hopefully and I smile and nod.

Once we are at Zayn's we keep the boxes in the car because he is bringing us to our new home and helping us settle in.

I smiled softly at the little girl in my lap sleeping.

'You raised her good Lou.' Zayn gives me a smile.

I smiled as I looked down at Isabelle.

The next morning was a bit hectic we had the movers bringing our fruniture to our new house.

While I settled out the movers Zayn had to get a cranky Isabelle dressed because as much as I love her, she just don't function good in the mornings.

Finally though we got on the road.

I feel asleep for the trip as quite tired from the past few weeks and haven't been sleeping well.

Finally though I woke up.

'Good morning there sleeping beauty! You awoke just in time!' I looked out the window to only smile.

'Welcome to Holmes Chapel, we hope you enjoy your stay!'

Another chapter done! Hope ya liked it (:

Written by- DreamingIsReality

The Sister Project (Larry Stylinson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें