Chapter 1

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Hey guys so this is a new story (: and I really hope you'll like it! It's different but different is good eh? Also I have a co writer or this fanfic! And she is @Annalysia_Me so go follow her and read her fanfics! Anyways on with the story!


Louis's P.O.V

I was sweeping the floors when I herd the door slam shut. I winced as I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hall.

I quickly observed the house to only see it was still pretty messy considering I only got home half an hour ago, not really enough time to clean a house spotless if you ask me.

But now Isaac is home and I wasn't aspecting him home this early if I'm being honest. He usually works late nights at the office.

I let out a long sigh as I knew the fight that would soon be arriving due to my lack of cleaning skills.

As the footsteps got louder I quickly scrambled to get the dustpan and quickly sweep the dirt into the dustpan, as I got up carefully with the dustpan in my hand I carefully walked over to the garbage can.

Just as I threw out the dust I herd Isaac's gruff voice.

'What the fuck Lou! It's disgusting in here! Why the fuck haven't you cleaned anything?' I took a deep breath to try and keep my temper from rising.

'Jeez I don't know Isaac it's not like I was working all day!' I say in a sarcastic tone.

'Don't you dare get sassy with me Tomlinson!' He hissed.

'Well then learn that I'm not your fucking little house wife!' I snap.

'Well what the fuck are you then? Besides a good fuck?' I took a shaky breath the stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

'Is that all I really am to you Isaac?' I ask in a quite whisper.

'What else are you good for Louis? You don't listen! All you do is give me lip! I can't even fucking trust you!' I head shot up so fast I was surprised I didn't give myself whiplash.

'What the fuck did you just say?' My voice comes low.

'I can't trust you Lou! God only knows how many people you fuck a week! God knows its not me.' That is when I lost it, it's safe to say.

'Don't you fucking tell me that I go out whoring around! I have been nothing but faithful to you for the last ten years Isaac! Ten fucking years I've been faithful! So don't you ever tell me I go out whoring around!' My voice comes out strong and fierce.

'Thats bullshit and you know it Louis.' He snorts.

'Think whatever the fuck you want to think Isaac because I don't care Anymore because I'm done with you & your bullshit.' I storm out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

I walk into the closet and grab two suitcases one for me and the other for Isobelle.

'Where the fuck are you going?' I hear his voice but I don't give two fucking shits so I continue on packing. Just as my bag was packed I was yanked up by the arm an suddenly came face to face with a red faced Isaac.

'I said where are you going?' He asked as if I were a five year old.

'I told you I was done. I don't want you in my life anymore I should of listened to everyone when they said that'd all you do was treat me like shit; but now I don't care because I am going and we're through. Ill be calling lawyers in the morning but as for now I'm going and getting MY daughter.' I finish.

'You're not taking my own daughter Louis!' His voice is strong and I try to keep my years from slipping.

'I am actually,' I reply as I enter Isobelle's room to pack her suitcase. 'I don't trust you with her Isaac!' I continue to place clothes and her toys into the suitcase until its finally packed.

He follows me down stairs. I go straight towards the door and grab my coat and car keys.

'Ill be back for the rest later and ill tell you about our court day... Bye Issac.' I shut the door before I hear his pathetic excuses.

I quickly throw everything into my car and jump into the driver seat. Once I'm on the road I try an stop the years from falling because the roads were rather busy in London today.

I quickly made my way to my best mates house. Once their I keep the bags in the car a d rush inside.

He begins to bang violently on Zayn's flats door. Finally Zayn opens the door and I think he was going to yell at me for banging so hard on his door, that was until he seen my face.

He quickly pulled me into a right hug while muttering.

'Oh Lou what did the asshole do this time?'

I shook my head on his shoulder.

I pulled back so I was face to face with my best mate of fifth teen years.

'He came in pissed off thinking I was some kind of house wife and I couldn't take it so I snapped. Finally though he admitted that he could not trust me and that when I told him I was done.' His eyes went wide and he whispered,

'Done? Lou does that mean you are finally divorcing that asshole?' I nod my head slowly and Zayn shouts a cheerful 'Yes.'

If I wasn't so sad right now I would probably laugh at him, but unfortunately I'm am.

As if it was her cue he came running on out in her school uniform making me smile.

'Daddy!' She yelled as she ran over and hauled me into a tight hug.

'You're early!' He giggled.

I bopped her on the nose.

'Yeah and how do you feel about a sleepover at uncle Zayn's? Me and you and Uncle Z?' I look up at Zayn to see him smiling down at the both of us, smiling.

'Oh yes, yes, yes! Wait is dad joining' I froze at that question and thought why not tell her now?

'Sweetpea I have to tell you this now,' I take a deep breath. 'Your father & I are having a hard time and well Daddy can't bare to be with him anymore so...' I trailed off looking anywhere but the two.

'Are you and dad getting a divorce?' I herd her whisper.

Closing my eye lid shut I slowly nod.

'Yeah angel we are.' She flings her arms around me.

'I want to live with you! I don't want to live with dad!' She cries!

I look at Zayn who has a smug look on his face. Yeah Isabelle is particularly scared of her father? Probably because he would always yell at her.

This is why I don't trust him with her and another reason I want the divorce.

'Z can you make me an appointment with some lawyers?'


So long first chapter! EHEHE sorry I really love writing this OMG!

Hope ya liked it!

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