Chalpter 5

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Hi (: sorry for the wait but anyways let's goo new chapter!


Louis's P.O.V

I watched Isabelle from afar as I unpacked the boxes from the truck. I was lucky that not only did u have Zayn an amazing best mate; but an amazing neighbour as well. I mean Harry comes out of know where and offers to help? Not very many people would do that and I am very great full.

But not only is Harry very helpful he is also a very big distraction. I don't even think he knows how gorgeous he is. Like from the way his perfect curls fall over his face to the way his lips are the Perfect size and look so kissable. Also from his tall built structure. The man is perfection, I don't even see one flaw.

And his daughter is absolutely adorable. She has long brown curly hair which Louis thinks he gets from his father. But not only that he also noticed dimples on the two.

Louis thinks that this decision to move here was a pretty darn good one. Not only did Isabelle now have a friend who was their neighbour but ah also had a very fit daddy.

Oh god Louis thinks, that sounded horrible.

He was brought out of his trance from a feel raspy voice calling him.

'Hey Louis do you think you could help me with the couch?' He nods and quickly scurries over to where Harry is and helps him.

He grabs the bottom of the couch along with the top and lifts up.

'Where did Zayn go off too?' Louis asks.

'I think he went to make sure Anna and Isabelle are okay.'

'Ah that would make sense I swear something I think he is more of a protective parent then me!' He laughs, he fucking laughed. His laugh has to be the best thing in the world.

'I know what you mean.' I raise an eyebrow for him I elaborate.

'I have a friend Liam he's the same way with Anna. Can't complain though it's nice.' I nod in agreement because it really is nice.

I smile as we lead the couch into the house, almost dropping it a few times in the process. But SHH that's a secret...

Once that was done we were both to lazy to move so we both settled on the couch.

'You know what Harry?'

He hummed in reply.

'I think I made the right move in moving here.'

I barely herd him reply, but I know I couldn't imagine it.

'Im glad you moved here too Louis.'


Hope you liked it (:

Written by DreamingIsReality

The Sister Project (Larry Stylinson)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora