Chapter 15

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Three short knocks on the door interrupted the dreadfully awkward conversation with my dad, and I was grateful to replace it with another awkward situation.

Most fathers were very weird when it came to meeting their daughter's dates. It was expected. But with my dad, the whole conversation was almost as if you were talking to a seven year old with multiple personality's disorder.

At first he was very strict, telling the lucky candidate that he would be pummeled if he didn't return me home in time or hurt me in any which way. Then he got chatty, finding out interests and laughing far too much. At some point he would glance down at his watch- which he never took off, and I doubted could live without- and realized he had to be someplace else.

Not that I had brought many dates home, but it wasn't hard to forget.

I rushed to the front entrance to see James shaking my father's hand. "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Jording," he said.

"Oh, call me Gerald." My dad's eyes narrowed as he looked James up and down, from his dark hair to his tied up shoes. "Now listen, have her home by eleven, and if I hear you hurt her- we're going to have a problem."

James nodded, "No worries sir, I'll take care of her."

I smiled at him, and found that my eyes couldn't look away, even after his did. My dad was talking to him and they were both laughing, but I couldn't tell anyone what about.

"Oh, I really have to go now," My dad scratched his chin, which was covered in stubble from his latest lack of shaving. He rushed down the hall, than absent mindedly called out a "Bye!" over his shoulder.

I laughed, then pulled on my shoes and ushered James outside to his car. "I can't believe we're seeing Highway Secret! That was my..." I stopped when I realized what I was going to say. It was Justin's favorite band. And he wasn't here. How could I be here?

Silence filled the car, and James glanced over at me in concern.

"Sorry, it's a really great band. Tell your sister thanks for me, by the way." I reached over and turned up the Highway Secret CD that he put in the stereo, and rolled down my window. Everything was good now. I needed to do this, and I know that he would have wanted me to as well.

The concert was in the next town over, which was more populated then ours. We eventually found a parking space five blocks away, and trekked up the streets of the city. I tried to keep my footing, but even in my flat shoes it seemed quite a feat. I caught my foot on a evil piece of sidewalk that was raised higher than the others. I flailed my arms and regained my balance, but James was looking at me. So was the entire intersection, for that matter. My cheeks burned and I looked down. "I'm such a klutz, sorry."

"Here, hold my hand." He smiled at me and I reluctantly placed my hand in his waiting one. "We wouldn't want you to fall."

"As long as there's no evidence. My dad would definitely come after you, and we wouldn't want that."

His smile made mine grow wider, and I had an odd feeling in my stomach when we reached the concert grounds. It was held on a long stretch of field, people were everywhere, crowding around the huge stage and standing in line at the high priced concession stands.

"See how we're maybe halfway back from the stage now?" James said, gesturing to the people who stood in front of us. "Well, by the time the concert starts, we're going to be almost up front."

I laughed, and held his hand tighter as we subtly pushed our way closer, sometimes only moving tiny steps forward at a time. Whenever we saw a chance, we took it. One girl gave me the death glare, but I didn't know if it was for sneaking our way up front or for being here with James. The opening act came out about fifteen minutes later. They were a local group; a bunch of college guys was my guess.

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