Chapter 2

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Dad asked looking at me hesitantly, observing my face for any sort of reaction. We were parked out in front of my new high school, Caddeton High, for my first day of school. After frantically unpacking box after box looking for some good clothes to wear, and merely thinking of today, I got exactly zero sleep.

To be honest I was tempted to just tell him to take me back home- it was almost summer and I could enter next year and catch up instead. But then the reasonable part of my brain kicked in and I told myself to suck it up. Plus it wasn't like I didn't know anybody, there was Aaron.

"No, I'll be fine. See you after school ok?" and with that I scrambled out of car before he could answer. My stomach was twisted into a knot by the time I made it inside and saw all the students milling around, their unfamiliar faces looking at me questioningly. I checked the piece of paper the school had sent in the mail with everything I needed to know, and eventually found my locker.

"Hey stranger" I looked up to see Aaron standing there with a girl beside him. I took a guess that she was Brooklyn. With short curly red hair, fair skin with freckles and kind blue eyes; she was what most would call pretty. I laughed uneasily and said hey back in what I hoped to be not a voice that sounded like a strangled cow.

"You must be Skylar! Aaron has told me all about you, not to make you feel awkward," I felt a blush start to creep up my neck and fill my cheeks, too late I thought. "I'm Brooklyn." she said, and I reached out my hand for her to shake but she surprised me by pulling me into a tight hug. I stood there shocked for a moment before it finally registered and I hugged her back awkwardly.

Aaron burst out laughing, probably from the look on my face. "That was hilarious! The look on your face? You'll get used to us soon, don't worry." To others he may have seemed cocky, expecting that we were going to be friends after only meeting twice, but I just felt used to it, which makes no sense considering I don't know these people.

Brooklyn smiled, "Wait what classes do you have today? I hope we have at least some together" I glanced down realizing I had no idea where any of my classes were. "Math first, then History, Chemistry, English and Art." Her smile brightened and she said, "The only class you don't have with either of us is art!" I was relieved not only to have people I know in most of my classes, but that they wouldn't have to see how badly I suck in art.

"Okay, now goodbye Aaron." she called jokingly as she grabbed my arm and pulled me away further down the hall. "Ok, we just have to make something clear before there's any awkwardness," she paused looking up at me, "You do know that Aaron's, well, gay. Don't you?"

I had sort of thought that might be the case but assumed it wasn't my business, "Well yeah, I just didn't-"she cut me off "Think it was your business? It's a small town and like it or not, everything is everyone's business," she said matter of fact.

We were in front of a classroom now, and students were passing us looking at me with keen interest, I felt like a piece of steak being held up in front of a bunch dogs. "We don't normally get new students, especially so close to the end of the school year," Brooklyn explained, talking about all the stares I was getting, just as the bell rung.

Everyone filled in their seats and continued staring at me as I went up to the teacher, a kind looking woman, and handed her a page from the office. "Well, you must be Skylar Jording! Welcome," she smiled warmly before continuing, "You can go take a seat, it doesn't matter where and we'll talk after class about where you are in math right now." I nodded scanning the room for an empty desk, and finding one right in the back of the room next to Brooklyn. Relief poured through me just glad I wasn't sitting next to some creep.

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