-Chapter Four-

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They both sat quietly at the table.

The food was being prepared as they waited, there was some small talk, but nothing terribly bad. Every time the waiter would walk by, Jax would get a shiver down her spine, but remained positive. She enjoyed having a night out with Mitch, she just wished that she could relax more. Around 15 minutes later, they were still left waiting for their food, Mitch was a little anxious, Jax could tell from his expressions and actions. Her eyes glanced at his hand which was rapping against the table surface quite quickly. When it seemed like the food would never reach their table, the waiter arrived with the orders.

"It looks wonderful," Jax piped up as the man set her plate down in front of her.

"Anything else before I leave?" The waiter questioned. When the two shook their heads no, he let a small smirk stretch across his thin lips before rushing away to the kitchen.

From getting the food, to leaving, there wasn't much going on during the dinner. They joked and had fun conversations, but when Jax said she was growing tired and antsy, Mitch suggested that they should head for home.


When they arrived back at the house, the rest of the team had gone off to bed, or they were just hanging out in their rooms since they had nothing else better to do.

"Shhh... I think they went to sleep," Mitch said as they slowly made their way into the main living room. Jax took her heels off so that the noise wouldn't bother any of the occupants of the house. Her dress dragged across the wooden floor now that she had taken a good three inches off of her height. They both tiptoed up the stairs and into their own rooms to get changed. Jax pulled the dress off and hung it on the back of her door so that she would remember to bring it downstairs to be cleaned. She went into the bathroom and dampened a washcloth with warm water and soap, and began cleaning the makeup off her face. Nice even strokes, and just like that, her face was clean and soft.

She changed into a large t-shirt that she stole from Mitch's room when she couldn't find anything else to sleep in, and then proceeded to hop onto her bed with her phone and the tv remote. Jax wasn't the biggest on being alone all the time, she always likes being around others during the day and at night, especially when it's time to sleep. She played with the idea of asking to sleep in Mitch's room with him, noting sexual or inappropriate, just to have some one near her. It wouldn't be the first time either, there's been many occasions of Jax ending up in Mitch's room because she couldn't sleep right. Finally she just said screw it and began texting him.

J: Hey, you still up?

M: Yeah, just finished getting ready, why?

J: lol, me too...

Jax stopped and thought of a witty thing to say, she always had a dumb excuse to give to him.

J: ...I was wondering, it's really cold in here and I think Adam took the extra blankets from downstairs, can I come sleep in your room tonight? Pleaseeeee? You know I hate the cold.

Mitch laughed a little when he received the text from her, and of course he had to draw it out and bother her about it.

M: hmmmm... idk, isn't it the same temp in everyone's room? What would coming into my room do for you?

J: body heat. Are you kidding me? Lol. That's the point of why I wanna come over.

M: I still don't know... I'm already kinda comfortable here. Just me and the bed. Alllllll by ourselves.

J: Dammit Mitch, screw your relationship with your bed. I'm walking over in five with a pillow, you better not be making love to your precious bed when I get there. Lmao. Luv ya tho<3

M: lol, you know I wouldn't say no to you. <3

J: same for me to you


Jax quickly picked up her pillow, phone, and turned the lights off in her room before poking her head out into the hall. She quietly walked to Mitch's room and shut the door behind her. The room was dark except for the glowing screen of the tv, Mitch was leaning up against the headboard in his sweatpants and light grey t-shirt. Jax happily walked around the side of the bed and crawled in, placing her phone down on the nightstand in the process. She sat for a second, putting her pillow down and taking her hair out of the small ponytail she had it in when she cleaned her face.

Mitch opened his arms, welcoming Jax to snuggle in. He turned the tv off, letting the darkness settle over them in peace. After a few moments of shifting, she was tucked under his blankets and curled up against his side, her body curved in on itself in Mitch's direction. He sighed and laid down on his side to face Jax . Jax's eyes were nearly closed, with her lashes fluttering against her cheeks, and he wondered how she managed to make herself so small, her form curled into a tight comma shape, angled toward him. She finally scooted closer to him, into his open arms, and settled comfortably with half of her body on top of his, with her cheek pressed into his chest, with her fingers clutching feebly at his shirt.

"Goodnight, Mitch," Jax mumbled, slowly tangling her legs with his.

Mitch exhaled deeply against the crown of Jax's head, rubbing her back in small circles. He didn't reply until she had gone completely limp against him, her breaths slowing with sleep. He touched his lips to her forehead, held them there for a few beats, then let his head flop back against his pillow. "Goodnight."


Guess who's baaaaaaackkkkkkk?¿

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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