-Chapter Two-

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???'s POV
There he was

One of those hippy dippy youtubers that I'm always hearing about. Why are they so special? They just sit and do nothing all day, while being paid thousands by the minute. Anyways, back to business.

I waited in my car for him to emerge from his home, just enough so I could get a good look at him. He held a peculiar sort of object in his hands, a wreath of some sort I suppose, but that didn't matter at the moment. He seemed to look decently stable, after all, he may just be my next test subject.
The Following Day
Mitch's POV
The morning came faster then I had expected.

It wasn't a peaceful wake up call, more like having Jerome fool around in my room with Adam and them both body slamming on to me once their little tussle was complete. I shoved them to the side and glared at them both in the eyes, Jerome stood up from where he was previously and yanked Adam up as well. With a small smile and a wave, Jerome bolted out of the bedroom, Adam not too far behind. I groaned and stretched, reliving the stiffness in my back before standing up to get breakfast. I approached the door and turned the brass handle quietly not letting it squeak as it usually does, and continued my way down to the kitchen.

There was a lot of movement in the house today, recording videos, last minute decorations, getting dressed for a dinner reservation, all jumbling together to make it a bit crazy in the Team Crafted household. When I entered the kitchen, Jax was already up and moving a mile a minute. As I passed by she jumped up and gave me a quick kiss before bolting off to decorate something else.

"Well look who finally woke up," I heard Ty laugh from the island counter. Ian was making pancakes with Jason, Quentin and Sub were watching the news on the tv, and Jerome was with Adam doing who knows what. Seto oddly wasn't anywhere to be found at the moment, which wasn't too out of the ordinary considering he stays in his room quite a bit.

I sat down next Ty, taking a plate of fresh pancakes and drizzling the gooey syrup over it until I was satisfied.

"You ready for tonight bro?" I heard Jason say, while he was wiping the excess of the pancake mix off his hands with a towel.

"What do you mean?" I question, not a clue in mind.

"Dude you and Jax are gonna have your first official Valentine's Day together, aren't you going to make it all romantic or something? She's been going crazy, trying to make it special, you gotta do something really special in return."

"We're going to a fancy dinner tonight, isn't that special?"

"Mitch, we're all going to dinner tonight, remember? Dude put some effort into this, she really loves you and you barely show it half the time, just go ahead and have fun with it. She is always acting goofy around you, pranks, teasing, you gotta step in and get comfortable around her,"

"I know, I know, just let me handle it, I don't want all of you getting into my business. Plus, you guys need to step up too and get some love going on as well, I've already started" I laughed, the guys stared at me but I knew it was a fake stare.

"Listen 'hot stuff' you focus on your love life, and we'll handle ours. You have a date tonight, I mean we do too, but that's with food and Netflix." Ian stated

"Alright, I'll back off, just let me take care of Jax tonight."

"Alright, we trust you,"

Sub nodded in the back, agreeing to what the guys were saying. I heard a muffled shout come from the upstairs bedroom, or Jax's room, almost instantly I was running up the stairs and into the room. I saw her sitting on the ground with a mess of jewelry, makeup, and clothing surrounding her, she seemed to be in some sort of panic and was frantically searching for something.

"Er...um, Jax? Is everything alright in here? It looks like a wreck." I finally spoke up.

She stopped her frenzy and turned to me, I could tell she was previously crying because of the mascara running down her face.

"No, it's not ok. You know how I always wear that aquamarine ring everywhere I go? Well it's missing and it meant so much to me, and I have no clue as to where it could be." She sniffed and continued looking.

I smiled, and kneeled down to her eye level and gazed into her teary blue eyes, brushing a strand of the curly hair out of her face. She was hurt inside, it was obvious, but I wasn't going to let any of this affect her tonight, the one night she has been dying for since the previous year. Instead of getting down and helping her find what clearly wasn't going to be there, I told her to keep searching while I went downstairs to ask the rest of the group if they had spotted it somewhere.

Her smile drooped a bit, but she went along and went back to searching for the ring. I slipped out of the room and darted down the hall to Seto's room, where I found him at his desk brewing a new concoction.

"Seto! Dude I need a huge favor, you know that ring that Jax wears everywhere?" I said a little loudly

He jumped, mostly from being startled but when he realized who it was, he relaxed, "Ring...ring...ummmmm...that blue one?"

"Yeah that one, it's missing and Jax was really upset about it, do you think you could whip up like some sort of ring or something so that I could, ya know be a better partner, like the guys said earlier,"

I could tell he was thinking about it, and my anxiousness wasn't helping either, but he smiled and agreed to help out. Immediately I grew excited and went to tell Jax the news.

Twistedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें