Chapter Twenty-Five: Pinkie Pie

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Pinkie's POV

And there they went, on and out of the store...!

"No!" I cried, throwing out a hoof to stop them. "Don't go! Please! I'll even give you free cupcakes!"

Why were they leaving...?


The door closed behind them, and I slumped onto my hindquarters.


Shaking my head to make my mane shake all poofy, I stood, and beamed at no one. Why had they left? I trotted my way upstairs to Electron's room, and stuck my head in.

"Hiiii!" I trilled. "Howzit goin'? Why did they just leave like that like I thought you were having a party or something up here!"

Without me, my brain added involuntarily. I told it to shut up.

"No," Electron laughed, in a kind way. "No party. Applejack kind of forced Braeburn out to go buck apples or something..." She shrugged. "It's ok."

I spotted her things on the floor and vaguely wondered what had happened; I quickly jumped forward to help her pick them up. "Oh yeah! Applejack's always working and stuff! It's ka-ray-zee considering she does it, like, all the time! I mean, get out and have some fun, am I right?" I giggled. "But I love her! She's really nice! Don't you think so Electron?"

Electron shrugged again. "Yeah... I guess so." She smiled. "Very... honest."

I giggled more. "YEAH! She's real honest! Really really really really honest! And you know why? She's the Element of Honesty! Like, duh! How could she not be honest? Like OH MY GOSH HAVE I TOLD YOU I'M THE ELEMENT OF LAUGHTER? CUZ I AM!! ISN'T THAT LIKE SOOO COOL?"

"Uh," said Electron, "yeah." She looked at me strangely. Hm. Maybe she didn't know what the Elements of Friendship were...? Did they teach that stuff in Manehattan?

I changed the subject. "So! Are you and Braeburn dating or something?"

She looked a bit taken aback by this question for some reason. "Um... I guess? Not really. I mean, we're thinking about it, but not really dating yet..."

"Oh!" I was mildly surprised. I'd thought they were in love or something! Though really, I didn't know much on that subject.

"Are you guys in love?"

Electronica let out a short whinny. "Oh, no, no. Not even close."

I cocked my head, "What do you mean?"

"It takes a lot more than a few days together to be in love, Pinkie Pie."

I stared. "Really?" Again, I knew basically nothing on this stuff, so I dunNo [lol @mr_meow] why I was being so critical.

She looked at me, almost sympathetic. "Pinkie, have you never been in love?"

I shook my head cheerfully. "Nope! Should I have been?"

"Well, no, it's just a little odd... Have you ever dated somepony before?"

I shook my head again. "I haven't found anypony worthwhile!" I chirped happily. I hadn't!

"Huh... That's kinda admirable."

"It is? Ooh! I love love love being admired!" Especially by cool ponies like Electron!

She smiled. "Yeah, it is. Dating is so much work, you wouldn't even know. You're pretty lucky, being unattached. Have you had your first kiss yet?"


Electron cocked her head. "How about we change that, eh?" A small mischievous smirk passed over her face, and her horn glowed slightly. [pretend that doesn't make her sound evil xD]

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm gonna hook you up with somepony! How does that sound?"

I didn't exactly know what this meant but didn't mention that part.

"Okie dokie lokie! How do we do that?"

Electron's smirk widened, and she looked over at you. "We turn to the readers."

[I will explain don't worry]

Whoa! That sounded like fun!

"Ooh!" I squealed. "Yay! When do we start?"

Electronica shrugged. "Whenever. I mean, not now, because... well, just not now, ok? Tomorrow, I guess? We'll go out for breakfast?"

Yay! Breakfast! Desayuno!

"Okie dokie lokie! I like breakfast!" I still had no idea what she was actually planning to do at this breakfast, but whatever! I supposed maybe she would teach me about love or something.

Electron's eyes sparkled. "Me too." She sighed. "I'm going out. Be back later."

I beamed. "Okey! I'll bake cupcakes!"

"Oh, good." She stood, and headed for the door. "Bye, Pinkie."

"Bye!" Then, just as she had exited, "Hey, Electron!"

Her dark blue head appeared in the doorway. "Yeah?"

"Have you ever been in love?"

Electronica hesitated, a cloudy look filling her eyes. I wasn't sure if this meant yes or no, and just as I was about to ask again, she quickly said, "No. Not really," and left even more hastily. I watched her leave the store through the bedroom window; she trotted in a sort of nervous way down the road and around the corner.


Oh, well!

I plopped into my bed and decided to take a short nap before making the cupcakes.



Pinkie needs a love interest!

Would your OC like to be that love interest?

Well, you're in luck, because you're getting that chance!

Ok I'll stop now but seriously if you have Kik, Kik me @noahsterecra and suggest somepony to ship Pinkie with, or perhaps give a description of an OC pony that you think would go well with Pinkie. I'll pick one and use that pony (don't worry, other OCs have a chance of popping up too).

If you don't have Kik then private message me lol.

Also for the OC thing they can either be male or female but if they're all one gender then that doesn't really make sense but whatever. Hopefully variety exists.

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