Chapter Twelve: Pinkie Pie

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Pinkie Pie's POV


I sighed sadly as Applejack left me alone in my room. I felt so . . . dull. Boring. Un-Pinkie Pie-ish. It was horrible.

"Ugh," I mumbled to myself. "If only I hadn't gone to Fluttershy's house, like she asked . . ." Maybe if I waited long enough, I could go into town and dye myself back. But then it wouldn't be real. It'd be a fake pink. "This sucks." I looked back at my Cutie Mark. The balloons looked so out of place on that boring brown flank.

"Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake called to me. I turned my head in the direction of the door.

"Yes?" I shouted back. I heard her come up the stairs. "I'm in here."

"Oh, there you are, Pinkie," Mrs. Cake said. "Did you know that- PINKIE PIE!?" Her face expressed true, genuine horror and shock. "What HAPPENED? Oh, dearie, what did you DO?" I cringed with embarrassment.

"I, uh-"

"Pinkie, what . . . I mean . . . this is horrible! Did you choose to do this?" she sputtered. I was about to answer "no," when Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake began crying at the exact same time. Mrs. Cake ran away to go tend to them. I sighed with relief.

"Did you tell her yet?" Mr. Cake yelled up the stairs. Poor Mrs. Cake rushed over there, carrying Pound and Pumpkin, who were still wailing. I was considering dumping flour on myself to cheer them up, but I decided against it. I really wasn't in the mood.

"No, honey, just wait one second . . ." Mrs. Cake ran downstairs. She was probably either handing the babies to Mr. Cake or informing him about my colors. Why did I do this?

"Mrs. Cake?" I wandered into the hallway. "Do you need any help?"

"Oh, I got it, honey," she came back upstairs, holding the babies. She went into their room and came back out. "I just need to tell you something."

"Ooh, what is it?" I squealed, trying to sound as much like the old Pinkie Pie as possible. "Is it a present? For me? Or is it a party? I do love parties!! Or is it somepony's birthday? I CAN TOTALLY ARRANGE A PARTY! Is that it? I bet that's it. A new pony in town? A pony moving away from town? What is it? What is it?? What is it??? What is it????" Mrs. Cake looked a bit shocked, but quickly regained herself.

"No, it's not a party, but yes, it's a new pony moving into Ponyville. But you don't have to make a party for her," she added quickly after my eyes brightened. "I mean, you can, but give her time to settle in first."

"If you don't want me to throw her a surprise party, why are you telling me?" I asked, confused. Mrs. Cake sighed.

"Well, this pony, she's a unicorn, she'll be moving into Sugarcube Corner." She smiled breathlessly. I considered this for a minute. A new pony, moving into Ponyville, and Sugarcube Corner . . . that meant another friend to play with! Pound and Pumpkin weren't that fun yet because of their age. But another pony my age would be so much fun!

A smile immediately flew to my face. It grew wider and wider and wider until I was smiling so hard it felt like my cheeks were gonna blow. My eyes also began widening and then I exploded. (Not really, of course, haha)

I flew up into the air like a rocket and levitated up there. I did a little dance and screamed, "HORRAY!!" a lot. My mane struggled a bit, but it finally popped up, nice and curly like usual. The black dye flew off and splattered onto the walls, as did the dye on my coat.


"Oh, my, Pinkie, you, uh . . ." Mrs. Cake stammered. "I mean, your coat!" It was pink again!!! YAY!!!

"When's she coming? When's she coming?? When's she coming???" I demanded happily, now on the ground once again. The big grin was still spread across my face.

"Actually, she's coming tomorrow evening," Mrs. Cake announced. I frowned. Tomorrow evening? That was too far away. It needed to be now!! I told Cup Cake this, and she laughed.

"She's only staying here temporarily, working for us, until she gets enough money to get her own cottage or something." Mrs. Cake explained.

"That's great!" I exclaimed. "I'll be her very bestest friend and show her around and EVERYTHING!" Cup Cake smiled warmly.

"That'd be wonderful," she gushed. "Now run along and celebrate, I've got preparing to do." She started to walk away, but stopped. "Oh, and Pinkie?"


"She's staying in your room while she's here, alright?" That's even better!

"That's even better!" I expressed. "Oh, this is gonna be AWESOME! A brand new friend for our group! I wonder what she's good at? She's a unicorn, so maybe she'll be like Twilight! What's her name?" I asked. I needed to know her name, of course.

"Electronica Sparks," Mrs. Cake answered. "Apparently she's very good with "electronics", whatever those are."

"Electronics?" I questioned. "What's that? It sounds like her name, though. I hope she shows me what an "electronic" is!" I hopped around for a bit, then looked at Mrs. Cake. But she'd already left.


"She's here! Pinkie, get ready!" Mrs. Cake called me excitedly. I was preparing Electronica's bed and closet. I squealed to myself and bounced down the stairs.

"Where is she?" I whispered loudly. Mrs. Cake made a "shush"ing motion and gestured with her head out the door.

"She's outside getting her things," she explained. "Just wait one second." With that, Mrs. Cake dashed out the door. I could hear inaudible chatter outside. Then two ponies entered the door. Mrs. Cake, and Electronica.

Electronica was possibly the most stunning pony I've ever seen. She had a dark purple coat, and long, shiny, dark blue mane that was straight at the top and middle and curly at the tips. Her tail was the same. Her Cutie Mark was something I didn't recognize; it was a circle with other little circles in it. Her horn was a lighter shade of purple, and her eyes were a dark shade of green with a mischievous yellow glint in them. She didn't look very real. I stared for a bit, then quickly composed myself and turned my Pinkie Pie bottom on.

"Hi!!" I greeted cheerfully. "I'm Pinkie Pie!!" Big smile.

"What's up, Pinkie Pie," Electronica said. She had a cool, smooth voice that seemed could put ponies in a trance. She also had some sort of accent I didn't recognize. "I'm Electronica. But you can call me Electron. All my old friends did."

"Hi Electron!! You can call me Pinkie!!" I informed her. "I'm really excited to have you here, and I know we're gonna be the bestest of buddies!!"

"You're very excitable, aren't you?" Electron commented, a bit of amusement in her voice. I nodded really fast.

"Yeah! I'm like, all hyper ALL THE TIME! But not a bad hyper, a GOOD hyper!! Not the kind that kinda freaks you out, the kind that makes you wanna dance!!" I didn't know why I explained that to her. It was sorta unnecessary.

"That's . . . good," Electronica said with a smile.

"You two are going to be great friends," Mr. Cake said. "Now, Pinkie, why don't you show Electronica here to her room?" He brought the last of her bags in.

"Ok!" I agreed. "Let's go, Electron!" I took a few of the bags on the floor and proceeded to go upstairs. A dark purple aura surrounding the rest as Electronica picked them all up with her horn.

"So . . ." she said awkwardly. "I heard we have to share a room. It's not small, is it?" I shook my head.

"Nopee-dopee-lopee!" I confirmed. "It's nice and roomy! Here it is!" I dumped her stuff onto her bed. Electron studied her surroundings. Apparently satisfied, she put the rest of her bags down.

"I like it," she commented. I grinned widely.

"So what's your Cutie Mark supposed to be?" I asked. "Mine's balloons, because I like organizing parties!" She nodded.

"This is an atom," Electronica explained. "I don't suppose you know what that is, do you?" I shook my head. "Everything and everypony are made out of atoms. They also have a large part to do with electricity, the thing I excel at."

"What's that?" I inquired.

"I can't explain it. It's used to make electronics, like this," she took out a small, thin rectangular thing with a screen. "This is a phone."

"What's a phone?"

"This. You make calls on it."

"What's a call?"

"Ok, here, look," Electronica pushed a button with her horn (magically, not with WITH her horn) and the screen lit up. I oohed and ahhed at it. She tapped the screen and numbers came up. She tapped some numbers. A code, probably.

Using her magical-ness, Electron held the "phone" to her ear and waited.

"What now?" I asked. She shushed me and continued listening.

"I'm putting this on speaker, ok?" Electronica glanced at me for permission.

"Uh, sure?" I had no idea what this was. Suddenly, a voice came out of the rectangle!


"Twinkie, hey, girl! I'm here and I'm just showing my new friend what a phone is."

"Hi!!" I squealed. "This is so weird, talking into a rectangle!! And your friend is really cool!!"

"I know right?" Twinkie gushed back to me. "Electron, you gonna make her one?" Electronica looked at me.

"If she wants," she said back. "But I don't think she needs one very much yet." I shrugged.

"None of my other friends have them, so I guess I wouldn't need one?" I shrugged again. "But seriously, this is so cool! How many bits do you make selling these?!" A ton, I bet. Both Twinkie and Electronica snorted.

"We don't sell them!" Twinkie laughed. "No one knows about these, except you, me, Electron, and a few others. But we need to know if you can keep a secret."

"I can!" I promised.

"Promise you won't tell ANYPONY about these? Or anything else I show you?" Electronica said seriously. I nodded.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," I recited. "And I'll Pinkie Promise. Believe me, I'm REAL serious about those."

"Remember, you can't tell ANYPONY. Not even your best friends." Twinkie said.

"I know," I answered. "I won't tell. Unless a big, scary dragon was gonna eat me and he said he would kill me if I didn't tell him about them and if I told him he would let me go but that probably won't happen but if it does, just saying I will tell, ok, so don't get mad at me if that DOES happen, even though it probably won't . . ." I smiled sheepishly. "I'm done."

"Is she ok?" Twinkie asked. I stuck my muzzle on the phone.

"I'm great! This is just the normal me, ya know! And I'm Pinkie Pie! You can call me Pinkie, though."

"All right, Pinkie, I gotta go, but take good, good care of Electron, m'kay?"

"I promise!" I saluted to the phone. Electronica laughed.

"Ok, Twinkie, bye for now," she said. Twinkie said bye and then Electron pushed a red button with the word "END" on it. Hm. I reached out to grab the levitating phone, but Electron made it float out of my reach. "Don't touch, not yet, anyway. I don't know you well enough yet."

"But I'm nice, aren't I?" I widened my eyes hopefully. Electron cracked a smile.

"Of course you are," she said. "And I have a feeling you have a lot of friends, right?" I gasped. How did she know? I nodded. Everypony in Ponyville was my friend!

"I have to show you my best friends sometime. They're really nice like me!! You'll love 'em!" I bounced around happily. Electronica watched me. I checked my metal checklist.

1) Befriend new pony.


2) Show her my friends.

That was the second thing in line.

"When would be a good time to meet them?" Electron asked.

"Oh, I dunno . . . how 'bout today?" I bounced some more. Electronica looked doubtful. "What? Is today not good?"

"Well, I gotta unpack and get settled in, I don't think we'll have time today," she pointed out. I sighed. She was right. What were my other friends doing anyway?

"Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake called. "Twilight Sparkle is here!" Twilight!! She could meet Electronica first!

"Wait right here," I told her and rushed downstairs. Twilight was panting and fanning herself with her wings. "Hey, Twi!" I greeted. "Guess who's upstairs?"

"Cool," Twilight panted. "Pinkie, have you seen Rarity? Or Spike? They've seemed to have gone missing."

"Missing?" I gasped. "Oh, no! We have to send a search party immediately! Let's go, Twilight!" I headed for the door.

"No, Pinkie, I don't think that's necessary just yet. I haven't finished asking everypony yet." I gaped.

"You're asking EVERYPONY?" I shouted. "As in everypony everypony, or our friends everypony?" Twilight shook her head, still sweaty and tired.

"The-the first one." She looked around. "Could I get some water, please?"

"Okey-dokey-lokey!" I placed a glass of water in front of her front hooves. "Drink up! Oh, and Twilight, I want you to meet-"

"Thanks, Pinkie. You're the best. See ya!" With that, Twilight ran out the door and into the street.

"Somepony," I finished. Great. Well, I suppose I could show her some other time. I went back upstairs to see how Electronica was doing. She was unpacking, placing things where she wanted them and such. I plopped onto my bed and watched her.

"Hello, Pinkie Pie," she said calmly, levitating a digital clock on her bedside table.

"Hi!!" I answered. "So you're staying here until you get enough money?" She nodded.

"Yeah, I'm broke," she laughed. "I spent all of it on the train ride."

"Where are you from? Canterlot?"

"Ha, no, no. I'm from Manehattan."

"I've never been there before. Is it nice?"

"Yeah, I guess. It's a little dirty and a LOT loud, but it's ok. It's really far away, though."

"What's your favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Zap Apples."

"Any pets?"

"What is this, Twenty Questions? And yes, I do have a pet."

"Ooh!! Can I see . . ." I faltered, and looked at Electron suggestively.

"Him, it's a him."

"Can I see him?"

"Sure, he's in a little carrier cage, it's right . . ." She poked around. "Here!" Electronica presented a cute little birdcage with a bright green-and-red-and-white hummingbird in it.

"He's so cute!" I said. "Fluttershy's gonna love him!" A flash of confusion passed over Electronica's face. "My friend. She loves animals, and has so much of them!"

"That's cool," Electron said absentmindedly. She was putting some golden liquid into his feeding bowl thing.

"What's that?"

"Nectar. Hummingbirds drink this stuff." I remember Fluttershy mentioning it once.

"So, what's his name?" I peered at the bird through the thin bars of the cage. He flitted his wings and peered back at m
"He's Ben," Electronica announced proudly. She opened the cage door and he hopped out and hovered in the air next to her. "He's the sweetest wittle thing eva!" She smiled at him.

"This is my pet!" I swooped up Gummy, my alligator. "His name is Gummy. But don't worry, he doesn't have teeth. He's harmless, see?" I put him on my head, and he attached himself to it by clamping his jaws over some of my mane.

"Does he eat hummingbirds?" Electron asked dubiously. I shook my head.


"Well, good," she still looked a little doubtful. Ben flew up to Gummy, who opened his mouth and landed on the ground. They began to frolic around our room.

"Aww, they're best buds!" I cooed. Electronica laughed.

"Yes, they are."

I hoped the same would happen with Electron, my friends, and I.


TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!! A very special treat for you yo-yos. And this one is kinda long! Yay! Next chappie is Twilight.

Pinkie is now back to normal!!! HORRAY!!! I changed her back in the most Pinkie way I could think of lol.

Anyway, I gtg to horse back riding class soon so BYE!! <3

@AngelJacksonLP Kiked me!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! She's really nice lol #stayawesome (my kik is clawdeen11565 and my name is Will Work for a Whale as of today (7/8/13))

@mr_meow IS AWESOME!!!! #stayawesome

@Sonia2002 IS AWESOME!!!! #stayawesome

@Danosawr IS AWESOME!!!! #stayawesome

U 4 R DA BESTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<3<3<3<3<3<3 U ALL!!!!!!!!!




Bye yo-yos!!

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