Chapter Eight: Rarity

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A/N: Hey guys, please read this, since its important. This chapter is going back in time when rarity and spike left Twilight's house to go home. ZOOMING BACK IN TIME I TELL YOU!!! PLEASE REMEMBER THAT AND DON'T BE LIKE "Oh, that_awesome_person, why are they doing this now????" no. This chapter takes place right after they left Twilight's house in chapter 6. THANKS :)


Rarity's POV


"Thank you so much, Spike, for escorting me home. It means a lot to me," I thanked him as we exited Twilight's house.

"Uh, no problem," Spike answered. We walked in awkward silence.

"What street is this? I can't see dung," I murmured, squinting in the darkness. "Spike, can you see? Spike?" There was no answer. "SPIKE??" I looked around frantically. "Spike, where in the heavens did you go? Please, don't leave me here. SPIKE?"

"Rarity?" I heard. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Spike, I'm over he- AHH!" I yelped and tripped over something, landing in a puddle of mud.

"Rarity? Hello? Where are you?" Spike wandered around where I was. "Answer me!"

"SPIIIIIIIKKEEE!!" I wailed. "Mud! It's MUD! HEEEEEELLLPP!!!!" My coat was ruined! My mane was ruined! Everything was ruined! "NOOOOOO!!!"

"Rarity!" Spike called again, this time with urgency in his voice. "Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me!" I cried. "And I'm DIRTY!!" Spike didn't come. "SPIKE!!"

"Where are you??????" Spike shouted.

"OVER HERE!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. "THIS WAY!!" I whimpered as more mud slushed around my coat. "Ew . . ." I tried to get up and failed. "I'M STUCK!" Why was nopony hearing us screaming like that?

"Rarity? Oh, I see you! Wait right there," Spike said, running over. "Why are you on the ground?" I moaned.

"It's MUD, Spike! MUD!!" I sobbed.

"Here, take my hand." Spike held one out and I grabbed it. He pulled, and I came loose with a loud SQUIISH noise. I winced. Mud was all over me!

"Ew, I'm covered with all this . . . revolting dirtiness," I said in disgust. "You don't happen to have a bucket of water or something, right?" Spike shook his head and I sighed. "Flashlight?"

"Nope, but you could use your horn."

"Of course I would do that, but I'm just so very tired." I said "so very tired" by stretching it out and exaggerating it way too much.

"Well, it's the only other option we have," Spike said, shrugging. "Or we could walk in the dark and get hopelessly lost. I weighed my options.

"Oh, fine," I grumbled. "But first I have to get a little cleaner." Spike ran off and came back with a large leaf.

"Found this!" He held it out to me. I looked at it doubtfully.

"Are you sure that's not poisonous or something?" I asked. "I've never seen it in Ponyville." Spike studied it.

"Now that you mention it, me either," he said. "But do you wanna get clean or not?" I stared at him. What if the plant was poisonous? What if . . . what if I got this horrible red rash that itched?? I would never be able to show my face outside for weeks. "You could use a cleaning spell," Spike suggested.

"But I'm tired," I reminded him. "I'm trying to save my energy for the light spell." Spike sighed loudly.

"Well then, stay dirty!" he huffed and tossed the leaf aside. "But could you use the light thing now? We really need to know where the hell we are." I nodded.

"Of course," I said, and attempted to cast a light spell. It failed. Why was I so tired? I basically slept through the whole party; I shouldn't be tired.

"C'mon, Rarity, you can do it!" Spike cheered me on. For some reason, his words gave me a boost. I willed the spell again. Nothing.

"I can't!" I admitted, ashamed. "I'm sorry, darling, I don't know why, I'm just very tired, even though I was asleep for the whole party. It's quite silly." A look of confusion passed over Spike's face.

"You were asleep?" he asked. Right, he didn't know.

"Yes, I was. I . . . um, after . . . you, uh, left, I . . . got a little, well, sleepy. Or something. I, uh . . . just took a little nap on the floor. Nothing bad happened." I cringed at my horrible little speech. Spike smirked.

"So I make you swoon?" I gasped.

"No!" I protested. "It's not that . . . no." I was glad that he couldn't see my face because I was seriously blushing. Ugh. I never got like this around boys. Not Spike, at least.

After a long silence, Spike said, "Try the spell again." I groaned inwardly. Again?

"It's not going to work, I'm quite sorry," I apologized. Spike brushed some mud that was starting to dry up off my coat. I watched it plop to the ground.

"Please, Rarity. Just try." Spike begged. I sighed, but willed my horn with all my might.

'Come on, come on! Just a little light?' I thought hopefully. I squeezed my eyes shut and willed it even more. Come on . . . Just a little more strength and . . .

"Yes!" Spike cheered as my horn lit up with enough light to fill Twilight Sparkle's house. "Good job, Rarity . . ." His voice faltered when he realized where we were. "Oh, shit."

"Spike, where are we?" I asked, my eyes still closed. I was concentrating with all my might. I was afraid that if I opened my eyes, then the spell would break. My whole body ached.

"I . . . Rarity, we have a huge problem."

"WHAT IS IT?" I demanded. "Quick, before I lose the spell." Spike didn't answer. Instead, he guided me forward. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leading us out of here. Just follow me. I won't let you crash into anything, promise."

"You'd better. And where are you leading us out of?" I asked. "Spike, just tell me!"

"I'm afraid you'll freak out and lose concentration if I tell you." He kept guiding me forward. Suddenly, we turned and I could tell the light flickered. "C'mon, Rarity, just a little further."

"Spike, be a dear and warn me if we turn, or if I have to step over anything, m'kay?"

"Sure." We walked a little further. "We're turning," Spike warned, and I kept my concentration to its highest while we turned left.



"Do you have any idea where we're going?" Spike remained silent for a while. "Well?"

"To tell the truth, not really," he admitted. "Turn right." We turned and I felt an electric jolt go through my body. I stumbled and Spike caught me. "Whoah, you ok?"

"Not-not really," I said, struggling to keep the light going. "I-I think that- OW!" I felt as if something very sharp and pointy poked me in the belly. I tripped over my own hooves and fell to the ground, my concentration breaking and the light vanished.

"Rarity!" Spike said urgently. "Are you ok??" I nodded, then realized he couldn't see me.

"I-I'm fine, I think." I opened my eyes, only seeing Spike's face, as it was quite close to mine. He shook his head.

"No, you're not fine. You need some rest. It's not possible for you to cast another light spell, is it?"

"No, not at all."

"Well, good job back there. You did good. Now we just need shelter for the night, then tomorrow morning we can find our way home. I bet Twilight's worrying about us. Hopefully she sends a search party."

"Hopefully. Now where are we?" I needed to know, or I'd burst.

"Promise you won't freak out?" Spike stared at me intently with those big green eyes. I hesitated. Being me, I'd probably freak out even if I promised. That was just my nature.


"We're in the Everfree forest, Rarity," Spike said, cringing, as if he was afraid of me exploding. I did feel like exploding. The Everfree forest? No. No way.

"Oh, you're just joking, right, dearie?" I giggled nervously.

"No, I'm dead serious, why would I kid about something like that?" There was a long, forever-lasting silence.

"How did we even get here?!" I yelled. "We were walking out of Twilight Sparkle's house, and then-" Spike cut me off by putting one claw on my lips in a "shh" way. In the darkness, I could see him cock his head slightly, like he was listening.

"This way," he ordered, pulling me along.

"Wait, what? Where are we go-"

"I don't know, but we gotta get out of here. Just come on for now." We trudged through the stinky, dirty forest quite quickly, and soon I became exhausted.

"Spike! Spike, please, slow down," I wheezed, panting. He stopped.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I totally forgot," he said. We continued at a slower pace. We seemed to walk on forever.

"Spike," I whimpered. "I'm tired. Can we please sleep?" He glanced at me, then without warning, swooped me up and onto his scaly back.

"Rest there," he said, spreading his big wings and then folding them over me like a blanket. It was strangely warm under there, and soon I felt very comfortable.

I lay there for a few minutes, determined to stay awake until we got somewhere. I didn't want Spike to think I was a useless, stamina-less little pony. But that was nearly impossible, because the rocking of his walking, the warmness of his wings, and my tiredness slowly pulled me into a dreamless, fitful sleep.


Yay!! Another chappie is up. I'm hungry.

This chapter is dedicated to @NerdyPie for commenting and saying that you like the book and that it's different! Thank so much!!!!!

Everyone follow @mr_meow if you like stupid stories!!! Lol

Anyway the next chapter is gonna be Fluttershy.

THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE FOR ALMOST 300 reads in such a short time!! LOVE YOU ALL FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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