Chapter Twenty-Four: Applejack

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Applejack's POV

As Rainbow Dash an' that Stormcall gal distracted Pinkie Pie for me, I slowly crept up the stairs to where Pinkie said Braeburn and Electronics were. How dare Braeburn date that slutty, good-for-nothin' little . . . !

I looked aroun' the hallway. There were many doors, so I jus' went up to each one and put my ear up to the door. The one with noise comin' from it was the last one. I heard giggles and kissy noises.

Disgusted, I knocked on the door.

"Open up, party's over." I tried openin' the door, but it wouldn' budge. I knocked again. "Ya heard me! Out!" There was a silence.

"Applejack?" I heard Braeburn ask in disbelief.

"Yes, it's Applejack, and ya better believe it, ya big brute!" I yelled. "Now git ya rump outta there and come back to the farm!"

"We were busy," Electronics's voice said sourly. I rolled my eyes.

"So was I! But I took the time to come and look for this piece 'a' dung, and I'm not lettin' 'im stay!" I waited. Nothing happened. "Either you git outta there, or I'm comin' in!"

"I'd like to see you try," Electronics (or whatever her name is) sneered. I glared at the door. Oh, she'd like to see me try, alrighty! I grinned, turned around, and bucked the door with the buck I only use for the strongest of trees. The door flew straight offa the hinges, and the pieces scattered everywhere, some of the sharper pieces stickin' themselves in other things. Electronics's things. Ha!

"Take that, ya dirty . . ." I went on to call her the worst things I could possibly bring up. The two lovers were sitting there, starin' at me as if I'd grown five million more heads. They weren't in the bed, which calmed me a bit. They were on the floor, formerly sharing a bowl of ice cream or somethin'.

"Don't call 'er those things!" Braeburn suddenly stood up and clomped over. "Why would ya jus' barge in like that?"

"Because you're supposed to be bucking apples at the farm!" I yelled back. "Not . . . socializing with horses like these." [A/N: Ha, my lame attempt to sound cool. In Equestria, they call themselves ponies, right? So I'm pretending a horse in an insult, and that it means whore or slut. Also "whore" sort of sounds like "horse." Haha I'm such a loser with no life :)]

"She's not a horse!" Braeburn shouted 'n my face. "She's a very nice pony, and if ya'd gotten to know her better, then ya'd understand!" I peeked over my cuz's shoulder. Electronics was sitting there, looking seriously hurt and sad. I almost felt bad. But not quite.

"Well, unlike everypony else, I gotta buck apple trees all day, since it's apple picking season!" I stomped my hoof childishly. "I have actual WORK to do! Which Electronics obviously doesn't!"

"First of all, my name is Electronica, not Electronics. And second, I do work! Why the buck do you think I'm here in the first place? To work! The Cakes let me stay here until I have enough bits to buy my own house!"


There was a long silence. I swallowed awkwardly. Both Electronica and Braeburn were glaring at me. I took off my hat sheepishly.

"I'm mighty sorry, Electronica," I apologized. "I shouldn' have jumped to conclusions so fast." Her expression didn't change. "I thought . . . other things. But now I understand that ya aren' 'ere jus' to be . . ." I paused. "Anyway, I'm sorry."

"Sorry's not gonna do it," Braeburn snapped. "Ya called her very horrible things, Applejack." I looked at the ground. Embarrassment and ashamedness were boiling inside of me.

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