Chapter Nineteen: Applejack

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Applejack's POV


"Howdy, Big Mac," I said, strollin' into my farm where Mac was harvestin' apples. "I saw ya in town." My plan was to fish some info out o' him and find out if he and Fluttershy were officially datin' or not. Or if they'd kissed.

"Oh, did ya?" Mac asked, kicking a tree. A large amount of apples tumbled into four wooden buckets.

"Yeah, talkin' to Pinkie." I gathered a few buckets and helped Big Mac buck trees. "Don't lie, were ya?"

"Eeyup," Mac mumbled, dumping the apples into a wagon. "I was askin' 'bout Fluttershy." I considered that. Why would he ask Pinkie about Fluttershy? If ya wanted to know that pegasus's whereabouts, ya probably should go to Rainbow Dash or somethin'. She and Fluttershy usually hanged out.

"Fluttershy?" I inquired. My buckets were full, so I dumped 'em into the wagon. "Why?"

"I couldn't find 'er, so I thought I'd ask one o' her friends," Big Mac said. "Is that illegal?" I grimaced. Not the answer I was lookin' for.

"No, no, it's perfectly fine, jus' . . ." I scrambled for something to say. "Jus' why don'cha know where Fluttershy is? Isn't she, like, your girlfriend or somethin'?" Big Mac blushed, which is somethin' I never see 'im do. It didn't really show up on his red coat, though.

"Nope," Mac answered finally, regaining himself. "We only went on one date, AJ."

"Mm-hmm," I murmured, bucking another tree furiously. Why wasn't Mac telling me anything? I was his sis, after all. And Fluttershy was one o' my best friends! I deserved to know somethin'.

"Why do ya need to know?" Mac asked, filling the wagon a little more.

"I, uh . . . I think I deserve to." I straightened up and stared at him. Mac stared back.

"Do ya?" he said. I nodded.

"Well, it's my love life, and I'd prefer if you'd stay out of it!" Mac shouldered the wagon straps. "Ask somepony else if ya need to know so bad." He began walking down the path to the barn. Then he stopped and turned around. "And ya can stop buckin' now. We have more than enough." I looked down at the dozen buckets I'd bucked unconsciously.

"Mac, wait!" I trotted after him. He didn't turn around again. "I'm sorry, I jus' . . ." I kicked a random pebble. Maybe I would ask somepony else. Big Mac obviously wasn't tellin' me anything." I kicked another pebble.

"You're gonna hurt those pebbles' feelings if you keep that up," said a familiar voice from behind me. I swung around, startled.

"Braeburn!" I cried happily, cantering up to him. "How'd ya get here?"

"Train," he answered, surveying his surroundings. I smiled proudly. Sweet Apple Acres sure was a sight to see. "Wow . . . you've really improved the place, I see!" He grinned excitedly.

"Eeyup," I said, quoting Big Mac. Speaking of Mac, where'd he go? He'd be delighted to see our cousin after such a long time! "So, why're ya here?"

"Jus' visiting," Braeburn announced, starting to walk down the path to the house. "Thought I'd surprise ya by stoppin' by!"

"Well, it worked!" I exclaimed. Braeburn was me and Mac's cousin from Appleloosa. He almost never visited; we were always the ones visitin' him. "Let's go see Big Mac. He'll be delighted to see ya!"

Braeburn followed me to the barn where I assumed Mac was. "Hey, Mac!" I called. "Come see who's here!"

"AJ, if it's one o' your little tricks, I swear- Braeburn!" he exclaimed happily. "Since when were you here?"

"Since an hour ago," Braeburn answered, peeking into the barn. "That's a mighty load of apples ya got there!" Again, Braeburn put on an excited grin. He was a very excitable pony.

"Eeyup," Big Mac nodded with pride. "We've got more than needed. If ya like, ya can take some back to Appleloosa."

"That's mighty nice of ya!" Braeburn said. "I think I will! And boy, these apples sure look nice and ripe!" He carefully chose one and bit into it. "This is one of the best apples I've ever tasted!" he said with his mouth full. Both Big Mac and I smiled.

"Yeah, we do treat our apples with great care," I explained. "Now, ya gotta see Granny Smith and Apple Bloom. I bet they'll be pumped to see ya!" I began trotting down the path to the main house. Braeburn followed, still eating the apple.

When we got inside, there was a loud squeal and Apple Bloom came barrelin' outta nowhere.

"BRAEBURN!" she shouted, hoppin' onta his back and huggin' 'im. "Ya never visit anymore! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YA!" Apple Bloom stopped huggin' him but stayed on his back.

"Oh, what's the fuss out here?" Granny Smith asked, limping out of the kitchen. "Oh, Braeburn! It's so nice to see ya!" She came over and looked him up and down. "You're much to skinny. But don't worry, ol' Granny Smith'll take care o' that, eh?" She winked.

"I'm sure ya will!" Braeburn said happily. I smiled appreciatively at him.

"Hey, are ya stayin' here or somewhere else?" I asked. "Cuz we got an extra room if ya want it." Braeburn nodded.

"Yeah, I think I am, since I couldn't find any inns that had any room," he said. "Thanks for lettin' me stay!" I waved my hoof at 'im.

"Oh, don't mention it! That's what family's for, right?" I laughed and swung my arm around his shoulders. Apple Bloom giggled and leaned on my arm. Even Big Mac cracked a smile.

"Oh, do I have the cutest family or what?" Granny Smith gushed. "You know what? I'm gonna bake some nice, hot apple pie for y'all and make the most apple-y dinner you've ever seen!" Just then, there was a loud knockin' on our door.

"APPLEJACK!!" came Pinkie Pie's loud voice. I sighed and walked over to the door. I opened the top window part and stuck my head out. Pinkie was standin' there with her new friend Electric or somethin'.

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"HI! Me and Electron here got real bored, so we decided to come see you! I mean, you have time, right? You know, to entertain us!" Pinkie bounced. Electronics just looked plain bored.

"Uh . . ." I said. I heard Braeburn come up from behind me.

"Oh, hey!" he greeted pleasantly. "You're AJ's friends, right?"

"Yup!" Pinkie squealed. "This is Electronica. You've never met her before, right?" Braeburn shook his head. I watched as Electronica's face lit up when she saw Braeburn. Oh, no way in h-

"Well, hel-lo," she drawled. "Who's this?" I frowned.

"Ma cousin."

"Hi, Applejay's cousin!" Electronica fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously. Great, first Thunder, now my cousin? Why does everypony want my siblins? And she even had the nerve to call me by the wrong name! Applejay? What in the hay is that?!

"Uh . . . Applejay?" Braeburn asked. Electron gasped loudly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she fake-apologized to me. "What I meant was . . . was . . . um . . ." That bitch! She can' even remember my own freaking name!

"Applejack," I informed her in an annoyed tone. Braeburn smiled nervously. Pinkie also seemed to notice the tension, because she cleared her throat.

"Well, yay!" she said. "Now that you know Applejack's cousin, how 'bout we move on to-"

"So, how about we get to know each other?" Electronica drawled, squishin' up next to 'im. I fumed.

"Uh, I mean . . ." Braeburn stammered. Poor guy. Pinkie cocked her head in confusion.

"Of course you have to get to know him, silly!" she said. "That's how you make friends!" Electronica shot her a "shut up I'm flirting" look and went back to talkin' to Braeburn. Braeburn was jus' sittin' there lookin' awkward. I watched in disbelief.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat loudly. "I think I'd be best if we all jus'-"

"Hey, you're Pinkie Pie, right?" Braeburn said to Pinkie. She nodded enthusiastically.

"The one and only!" she chirped.

"Didn't we meet in Appleloosa? You're the one that did that cute little dance!" Braeburn realized. When we were in Appleloosa, a herd of buffalo had wanted to have land to run on, and Braeburn's peeps wanted the plant trees there. Pinkie did this weird dance about sharin' and carin'.

"You thought it was cute?" Pinkie Pie squealed. "Everypony else thought it was awful." It was true; the buffalo and the mayor of Appleloosa had decided that it was the worst performance they'd ever seen.

"Sure!" Braeburn said. "I thought it was great. Where'd ya learn to dance like that?"

"On my own!" Pinkie bragged. Electronica rolled her eyes and I looked at her funny. Braeburn slowly detached himself from Electronica and continued talking to Pinkie. I smirked at Electron while she fumed.

"Hey, don't you look at me like that!" she snarled. "At least I have some charm. I can tell by just looking at you that you've never had a boyfriend in your entire life!" I glared at her.

"And I can tell by jus' lookin' at you that you've had too MANY boyfriends in your entire life!" I retorted angrily. Electronica smiled smugly.

"Better too many than none," she said. I took off my hat and put it on the ground. This pony couldn't fight, I jus' knew it. So even though it wouldn't be fair, I could still-

"Nopony talk to my big sister like that!" Apple Bloom's cute little voice suddenly yelled. She leaped off Braeburn's back and onto Electron's. Electron yelped and tried to shake her off. But Apple Bloom held on tight and punched her.

"GET IT OFF!! AHH GET IT OFF!!" Electronica shrieked. I laughed and watched the fun. What a pussy.

"Woah woah woah," Big Mac said, suddenly appearing in the doorway. "What's goin' on here?" Braeburn and Pinkie Pie were oblivious to the action. "Who's she? Apple Bloom? Wait, what's Apple Bloom doin'-"


"'It?'" Mac said. "Did he jus' call my sister an 'it'?" He sighed and marched over and removed Apple Bloom from Electronica's back.

"NO!! NO!! LET GO OF ME!" Apple Bloom screamed. "I WANNA BEAT HER UP!!" I chuckled.

"Apple Bloom, it's fine," I reassured her. "Who cares what she thinks?" Apple Bloom struggled to get free, and when she did, she jumped onto my back instead of Braeburn's.

"We should probably be going now," Electronica said sourly to Pinkie. Pinkie nodded, and said 'bye to Braeburn. Then Electron trotted over to him and whispered somethin' in his ear. He smiled and winked at her. I almost puked.

After they'd left, I turned to Braeburn. "Seriously?"


"Electronica? Her? Why her? She's the most-"

"She's nice," Braeburn argued. "And so is Pinkie Pie. You have real nice friends."

"I wouldn't call both of them a 'friend'," I mumbled, clopping inside where Granny Smith was calling us for dinner.

Why is everypony so attracted to my family?


HELLOS!!! YAy finally another chappie. Idk why it took so long.

Anyways thanks so much for 2.5K reads!!!!! OMG IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!

And I just got this idea for a new MLP fanfic! Lol I make so many of those! I'm also planning to make a MLP roleplay. But back to the new fanfic idea. It's called Just One Kiss, and it's a Celestia x Discord and Luna x Sombra thingie. Don't hate! Anyways yeah it's zooming back in time to when they were just kids and when the Mane Six didn't exist.


Oh yeah and @BronyStar is making an interview book about me! You should read it lol nah jk you don't have to but you can... lol. It's called My Little Pony- that_awesome_person Interview! Yay!





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