When the carriage stopped, we were exactly where I had arrived.

Huh, is this called the "Edge of Town" or something? I thought, pushing open the door and jumping out.

"I'll be right back," I said, not even bothering with the accent.

I jogged behind the hill which wasn't too far away, seeing the time machine still there.

"Oh thank God," I breathed. "Now how to get it on the carriage without Sebastian noticing..."

I picked up the metal box, it was only a few inches taller than me, enough so I wouldn't hit my head standing up straight and whatnot. Maybe I can just sneak it onto the carriage-

"What an odd looking trunk," Sebastian pointed out.

I yelled out in shock.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I scare you?" He asked.

I laughed, "Yeah, kinda."

"Would you like me to carry it?" He asked.

"No, it's fine, thank you," I said, tucking it under my arm which was fairly difficult because of it's width.

Sebastian turned and walked back to the carriage and I followed him.

He thought it was a trunk? He must have bad vision along with the dark of night.

I settled it on the back of the carriage, making sure it was placed so it wouldn't fall off.

"Ready to go?" Sebastian asked from the driver's seat after I had entered.

"Yeah." I said.

The next couple of hours-I'm not even sure how many-were spent in the bumpy carriage, the horse's loud hooves striking the ground keeping me awake. I think I may have gotten a half hour of sleep in total when the carriage stopped.

"We're here!" Sebastian called.

Does he not get tired?

I stepped out of the carriage into the dimly shining sunlight. The sun was just starting to come out and the birds just started to chirp. I stood at the edge of another city that I supposed was big. Past that, as far as the eye could see, was sparkling, deep blue water, ships of various sizes lining the port.

"Thank you, Sebastian, and thank Charles again for me." I said after taking the time machine off the carriage.

"Of course, oh, and Mr. FitzRoy wanted me to give you these," he said, grabbing a brown-colored cloth bag.

"What's in it?" I asked.

"Money, a gift from Mr. FitzRoy."

"Sebastian, I can't accept this-"

"Of course you can." He said before snapping the reins and he was gone, a cloud of dust in his wake.

I sighed, placing the money-filled bag in my other bag with my old (new?) clothes in it, slipping it around my shoulders like a backpack.

I lifted the time machine-which, after having just woken up-was a difficult thing to do but I managed.

I walked over to the forest that surrounded one half of the city and walked in until I could hardly hear the sound of the water over the animals in here.

I set down the time machine, looking around at the various things I could use to hide it and set to work.

When I was done, I had a pile of fallen (yanked out of their roots) trees, branches, leaves and other things over top the machine which I had laid on it's side so I could hide it better.

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