"Shut up!" He screamed.

"Well I don't know anymore! You clearly liked it back there!"

"I didn't like it!"

"So why did you do it?!"

He groaned out in frustration, turning around before furiously slamming his fist against the wall. At first it took me by surprise and I had to take a few moments before I could respond. But then he punched at the wall again, and again, and again until he knuckles were cut and bloody.

Then he sank down to the floor with his head in his hands, breathing in sharply and pulling at his hair.

I carefully knealed down, the sight sobering me up almost immediatley. I thought back on what I had said, realizing what emotions I must have caused. And I reached forwards, touching Hunter's knee.

"Fuck off," he hissed.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. "Hunter, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Of course I know you're not faking it. I wasn't jealous, I was just shocked. That's all. I was drunk and I handled it in the wrong way,"

"You fucking did," he cried out. He looked up at me with desperate eyes. "She kissed me! I just kissed back because I wanted to know if it was different from...from when-"

I nodded before he could speak. "I know,"

"It wasn't different," he admitted. "It was the same. I knew it was Cassie but he was still there. He was still fucking there and then I saw you and you were looking at me like-"

"Hunter, I'm sorry." i said sincerely. "I'm sorry,"

He nodded, willingly taking my hands as I offered them out to him. I pulled him up and he stared into my eyes, making me feel so insecure. 

I forced a smile. "Let's go home,"


I walked into our room and found Hunter sat on my bed. He'd removed his jeans but kept his shirt on and sat clutching the almost finished vodka bottle.

"Still feel bad," i admitted as i headed over to him. I sat at his knees, reaching for the bottle which he easily gave to me. "You know I didn't mean it. I was just, being a bitch, I guess."

"I would've done the same," he murmured.

"What do you mean?"

"If you were kissing a guy. Would've been worse though,"

I nodded. "What would you have done?"

"Called you a whore," he said quietly. "And hit the guy,"

"Kissing someone doesn't make you a whore," I explained as gently as I could. "I know that you've been brought up to think otherwise, but it's not true. Deep down, you know it isn't."

"Felt like one though," he mumbled.

"It's not supposed to be like that though," I took his hands, trying my best to get him to understand. "When you kiss someone, you're supposed to like it. You're supposed to find it pleasureable. It's a sign of affection. it's what you do when you love someone, or when you care about someone."

"But i don't love her," he slurred. "And i don't care about her,"

"Still doesn't make you a whore,"

"What does it make me?"

"Drunk," I grinned. He rolled his eyes and smiled a little. "Really though, one day you'll kiss someone and you'll love it. One day, you'll be able to do other things with a girl and you're going to love it. You'll feel good about yourself. You wont feel like this. I promise,"

"Feel like that with you," he murmured.

My eyes shot wide open. "What?"

"I like holding your hand. It doesn't make me feel bad," he explained and I nodded in agreement. I wasn't sure what to say to that. Really it just made me want to suffocate him in a hug but that would probably end up with me getting a black eye. So I just smiled and brushed my fingertips over his cut knuckles.

Hunter looked up at me with a small blush creeping over his dimpled cheeks. He squeezed my hands and bit awkwardly at his lip ring.

"What?" i asked, knowing full well that he only did that when something was wrong

"Wanna ask you something," he mumbled. "But it's stupid,"

"I'm still pretty drunk, I might not remember it." I tried to assure him.

He shook his head, pulling his hands away and awkwardly turning away from me. I dived forwards, needing to hear what he had to say and carefully pulled him back around. I placed myself on his lap, both of my legs wrapping around his back and holding him there by his shoulders. He shyly looked down and I pressed my forehead against his.


"Can't say it," he said. 

"You can though," i assured him. "Come on, it's ok. I promise, whatever it is, it'll be ok."

He sighed, slowly bringing his head up. He stared straight into my eyes and I felt my stomach ache in nerves. I tried to keep my breathing normal but he was scaring me. I had no idea what he was going to do and it terrified me. Had kissing Cassie really affected him this much? I was so scared. I didn't want him to tell mwe that he wanted to hurt himself or that he already had when I was out the room. It was terrifying me. No. I couldn't. I had to know what he wanted to say before the tears threatening in my eyes spilled all over us both.


He leaned forwards and silenced me, gently brushing his lips against my own and trembling as he did so. I was in shock as he ever so carefully kissed me, feeling my stomach go in knots as I kissed him back. His lips were cracked and bitten and the cold material of his lip ring dug into my skin but I liked it. I felt myself pushing up against him, wanting more, needing more.

But he pulled away.

I slowly opened my eyes, not recalling when I had even closed them. I looked at Hunter, sat staring directly back at me with shaky lips. He sucked in sharp breaths and I snapped out of my daze, knowing I had to say something.


I didn't have time to say anything more before he jumped up. He pulled himself away from me, jumping up to his feet and grabbing the vodka bottle from the floor. He ignored me as I climbed out of bed after him and he rushed out of the room before I could confront him.

I felt my head spin and dropped back down onto the bed. What had just happened? Why had Hunter just kissed me? Why had I kissed him back?

Why had I liked it?

Love Like A Delinquent (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now