Chapter Two

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“I should have known that, I mean you obviously have a thing for our friend Dick. I mean anyone who could read should have realized that.” she chuckled and everyone joined in I looked at my clothes as my cheeks turned the reddest shade ever then I herd a voice.

“Well I find it rather cute.”



I felt my cheeks turn even redder. I turned around to see him. Dick Grayson. He had his hair pushed back and a pair of sun glasses on. As for his clothes he had a pair of jeans and a black v-neck. I felt my heart race. And my mind racing with questions, god I just wanted to die. I must have been silent for a while because he spoke up again. “Hey I’m Dick.” I felt my heart race.

Wally being the smartest when it comes to common scenes put one arm one me and the other one on Dick. Pulling us together. “Lets skip the awkward silence. And.”

Before he could continued I stopped and looked at him. “Where you going with this Wally?”

He ignored me and continued, bringing us closer and closer. “And skip to the part were you too are skipping around and calling each other cupcake, sweetie, babe, baby and where you to are on the couch together.”

“I would quit well you are ahead.”

But nope he continued. “kissing and making everyone else throwing up.” He then threw us on to the sofa, wow he doesn’t know when to stop.

“Wally I warned you and now your screw.” He ran and I quickly pinned him down. He squirmed but didn’t get out. Well he wasn’t paying attention I tied his laces together and then got off.

“Yah because the Wally would have kicked your butt.” I chuckled at him because when he went to walk away he fell face forward.

“Yep the great Wally is to much for me.”

“You guys are so immature.” Artemis scowled as she walked off.

“So I only know your hero name.” Dick said waiting for me to say my real name.

“Oh I am Jami.”

“Nice name Jami, so when are you going to start attending Gotham Academy?” Dick asked as every one continued with their previous conversation.

“Umm well I would rather not have to take the ship school everyday, so I am going to get a flat as soon as possible.” I smiled slightly.

“Hey I am almost sure that either Bruce or Barry have an extra room for you. Just until you get a home. I mean staying here everyday can make someone insane.” He chuckled.

“No its okay I don’t want to impose on you or Bruce, I am sure Barry wont have a problem and if he does then I just crash here.” I said awkwardly. “Anyways speaking of Barry I better go ask. Bye.” I said running over to Barry who was talking to Wally. “Hello.”

“Hey Jami, I cant believe your finally here.”

“Thanks, umm I was wondering if I could stay with you guys so I can start Gotham Academy tomorrow.”

“Oh of course you can.” He smiled.


“Wake up.” I opened my eyes to see Wally straddling me, and laughed.

“Get off of me or else you will be a Wally stain.”

“Not until you wake up.” He chuckled well tickling me.

“Fine I am up.” He got off of me and I stood up.

“Well get dressed its time for school.” I got up and striped down and put on my underwear. I had to wear an uniform. I put on a navy blue skirt, white collared shirt. To make it look better I put on a blazer. I walked down the stairs to see Wally standing by the door ready for it. “Ready to go.” He said crunching down so I could jump on to him.

“Yep.” I smiled as he used his super speed to get us to school. In under a second we were there. “So what know.”

“Well Dick said that he wanted to meet us here so now we wait.”

I laughed, “Ah why.”

“Because he loves you.” as if on cue Dick appeared.

“I do not.” he said angrily, making my spirit drop slightly.

“Oh really so is that why you asked her to live with you?” Wally said batting his eyes at him.

“That offer was from Bruce not me.”

“Wow doesn’t that make me feel special.” I said plainly.

“No I didn’t mean it like that I just umm.” He stumbled when the bell rang.

“Bye Wally.” I smiled kissing him.

“Bye Jami, love you.” He softly kissed me back.

Then I turned to Dick and decided to give him a hard time. “Bye Dick.” Said coldly.

“I didn’t mean it.” He said apologetic. I turned around and walked away smiling

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