The New Member (A Young Justice Fan Fiction)

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I woke up to see my room empty, everything in boxes ready for me to leave. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The only that even marked the fact I ever lived there was the cracked mirror closet doors.

Stood up and stretched, jumping up off of the bed to my concrete flooring I quickly grabbed my clothes, taking my oversized -Love starts with “L” and “L” starts with Lame- shirt along with my black shorts off. Then I brushed my long brown hair and put it in a rather messier braid. I put on some deodorant and got dressed.

After I finished getting dressed I looked at the mirror. I was in a onesie that said -watch what you say you taking to the future Mrs. Grayson-

I figured that since they live so far away, I would arrive when they were all asleep so I didn’t think that I needed to dress for success. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed an ice tea, from the tiny fridge.


You might be wondering why a thirteen year old girl is living in a flat by her self. Well when you are a very good superhero they cut you slack. I could fend for myself for ever but when I was asked to join the Young Justice League. I couldn’t I mean who couldn’t say yes to the League.

I checked my phone it was one thirty, time to leave for the base. I walked out side to see two people they must be the drivers. They gabbed my bags and boxes and loaded them in the space ship as I boarded I realized I have nothing to do. Well isn’t that dandy. When we took off I felt a little pressure but soon felt nothing.

After thirty minutes his voice came over the speaker in a blast. “We will be approaching the base in thirty minutes.” I was in complete shock. Then I looked at my time it was two and then at my outfit. My cheeks turned into a tomato.

God I hope that no one there is here to see me like this. How embracing, I could probably deal with half of them but I could tell that if Dick was here I would be made fun of forever. “Were landing in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” I expected to fill a big impact but I didn’t.

I was lead to a door that was suppose to open started tin about ten seconds. It started to countdown they opened and I walked into a pitch black room. Wow I expected at least them to leave a light on. I walked and walked around then a light went off.

I was in complete shock when I saw what was going on the was a banner that said -Welcome to Our League- the was food, streamers, presents, and yet again food.

“Hello I am Meg’n.” Said a rather tall green skinned alien, she was really cute, but behind her was FOOD.

“Hey I am Jami, and I know this isn’t a formal way to meet but is that food?” I asked earning a chuckle from Wally.

The only reason I know Wally from everyone else it was because he was the one who offered it for me.

“Its okay and help your self.” I didn’t bother saying hi to anyone else I ran to the food and started to eat, when I got my plate constructed I looked over to see Wally standing there shaking his head.

“What?” I said with a full mouth.

“Well you forgot to hug me.” He said with open arms. I quickly ran over there and hugged him tightly, he wrapped his arms around my waist and then he put me down. He is really tall to me so I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed his lips softly. This might sound like we have a boyfriend/girlfriend relation ship but I promise that we have just a close friend relationship. I heard a scuff it was from Artemis. She came up a lot in me and Wally’s conversations. I honestly don’t like how she makes fun of Wally, although I know its because she’s very much into him. So I decided to have some fun with her.

“Oh you wish you could be in this position.” Before she could say and remark I turned to Wally and pulled him into a long kiss when it ended Wally was still in shock then she spoke up.

“I wouldn’t want to be any wear near Wally that close.”

I tilted my head slightly, “so you want to date Wally?”

“What know I said didn’t want to be like you.” she rolled her eyes.

“Yah and since me and him are only friends you want to go out with him.” Everyone started to laugh then Artemis silenced that.

“I should have known that, I mean you obviously have a thing for our friend Dick. I mean anyone who could read should have realized that.” she chuckled and everyone joined in I looked at my clothes as my cheeks turned the reddest shade ever then I herd a voice.

“Well I find it rather cute.”

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