Andrea, spoke Zen, a calm, confident feel slipping from his voice. It looks like we are alone in this fight.

I understand, she responded. The two Lori were waiting for her to make the next move, staring at her with their menacing eyes. She knew that there were others though, just waiting for the right chance to capture her.

It’s time to test your skill. You’ve been training for a long time, fighting many Lori, but this will be the test. Let’s see how strong you’ve gotten.

Very well, but you know I don’t have enough experience.  

I realize this, but you don’t have time to gain all the experience of battles. Zen paused, and then continued quietly, Even if we make it out of this battle, more will come until they take you with them. Unfortunately, there is no way out. Zen was quiet. He could tell he was referring to one of Drea’s fears, but also her reality. Keep winning, for we cannot give them what they want.

I won’t lose. The stakes are too high.

Then let us fight as the Weaponsmaster should. I’ll try to fix up your ribs.

Drea felt the ash converge around her body, hardening into the shimmering black armor. It covered her from her neck to knees with the chainmail skirt, steel-toed boots, and heavy metal gloves. Little orange streaks glowed in the armor as Zen lit it up with his fire.

Drea looked up, venom in her eyes as she prepared to fight. She forced herself off the wall by spewing fire from her feet, heading towards the one that had just knocked her in the ribs.  

The one with the weapon was meant to be the real attacker, while the faster one was meant to be a distraction and deterrence. It didn’t have a means to protect itself besides its ability to move out of the way, giving the Lori with the weapon the job of capturing her. That made it a bigger threat, so she’d have to fight it and defeat it quickly, but the speedy one could cause her even more damage if she ignored it.

The fast Lori bounced out of the way, leaving Drea standing in front of the one with the weapon. It raised its sword, forcing her to bring out her spear. She held it up above her head in order to not get cut in half.

The Lori’s strength was amazing, but Drea had a plan. She quickly sent fire through her spear and the flames spread through the sword to burn its hands. The Lori dropped the sword as Drea ducked out of the way, throwing her spear straight into its heart.

It roared and turned to dust that disappeared in the wind. The speedy one came up behind her, trying to catch her off guard, but she turned and pulled out a small enflamed dagger. She slashed it straight across the chest.

The two of them were gone, but there was no time to rest. Six more Lori materialized out of the shadows, racing towards her, the desire for death shining in their eyes.

Drea’s confidence wavered for a moment; she hadn’t expected so many Lori to be lying in wait for her. Then she felt warmth spread through her chest as her ribs cracked back in place. The breath was knocked out of her as they repositioned themselves. It was painful, but they were healing.

Drea smiled. Thank you Zen. She paused. I only hope it’s not the last time I say that to you.

She felt his resolve shoot back to her. He was committed to that same hope.  

She felt his fire come to life in her hands as it transformed into her scythe and glove, the orange light glowing sullenly. The weight of death was in her hands as she took a stance and waited.

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