Chapter 7

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The next day inched by like a snail for Drea. She was curious as to what she’d be doing and even began to look forward to learning about fighting, as odd as that was.

Having the gene made her feel as though she didn’t belong in her own family though, even though they had no inkling that she was different. Being with Danny the other day made her feel different. It was wonderful to know he was like her; it made her feel like she belonged as she smiled and laughed with him. He reminded her in some ways of Kevin with his powerful demeanor and kind eyes, yet there was something else about him that interested her. Drea didn’t know why she liked spending time with him, she loved spending time with Karen too, but there was just something about Danny that made her want to be around him.

After school that day, Drea stood outside in the school yard and extended her mind out to Danny. She found him in the park again, but instead of training there, he took her back to the waterfall. “It’ll be easier for you to concentrate,” he said when he set her down.

“So where do we begin?” asked Drea as she took in her surroundings once again. The beauty of it all never ceased to amaze her.

“We’ll start with developing your mind abilities even further.” He sat cross-legged on the ground, motioning for her to do the same. Once she had, he said, “The purpose of this is to control your mind abilities in order to fight. You’ll need to close your eyes to start, but once you get better, you may be able to do this with your eyes open. Once you learn how to do this, you’ll be a truly great fighter.”

“Can you do it?”

“Yes, but I haven’t yet mastered it; it takes years. Of course with your strength and power, I wouldn’t be surprised if you mastered it before me.”

Yeah right, thought Drea as she rolled her eyes.

Danny raised an eyebrow as his mouth curved into a sly smile. “You didn’t read my mind, did you?” asked Drea accusingly.

“I didn’t have to on that one,” he responded. “Besides, I don’t like to go into other peoples’ minds. It’s not my place. Now, close your eyes and focus Andrea.”

Drea did as instructed and closed her eyes, feeling her breath shake as she took a deep breath.

“Calm down.” Danny’s calming voice washed over her, strengthening her concentration and forcing her fear back into the crevices of her mind. “Don’t be fearful, don’t hold back, or you’ll never succeed.”

His words were like a whisper as she pushed even her most worrisome thoughts away. All the uncertainty she had fled as a new power coursed through her. Drea could feel the aura running through her veins as a world of darkness enveloped her vision.

“Now extend your aura in all directions. Do not hold back. Try to become aware of your surroundings and the emotions of those near you.” Danny’s voice interrupted this new world created by darkness. “Don’t expect to master this here; you’ll have to spend some of your own time to become proficient with it. Once training begins, this’ll be easier.”

Drea did as he said and began to move herself out of her body. It felt like she was being pulled into all directions; it wasn’t just uncomfortable, it was painful. She didn’t want to give up, she wanted to impress Danny, but it was becoming difficult to continue. She winced as if she’d been smacked and her eyes forced open. She was surprised to see that she was panting. Danny looked at her with kind, understanding eyes. “Try once more Andrea. Take as much time as you need.”

She took a few calming breaths, then did as instructed and closed her eyes once again. It was completely quiet. Drea wasn’t sure if Danny had left or not, and was tempted to check, but refrained. She no longer felt his aura, but if he was as strong as he seemed, he probably figured out some way to hide it. Drea took a deep breath and began to focus, pushing herself out in all directions in an attempt to re-create and image of her surroundings in her mind.

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