Chapter 14

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Danny sat in a tree, trying to shake off a drug someone slipped him. He opened his eyes, feeling groggy and slow. Slowly his memories came back to him. He’d been sleeping when he felt a dangerous aura nearby, jostling him awake. Just as he woke though, he felt a pinching sensation in his arm. Someone had shot a drug into his system, forcing him into a type of comatose.

He’d been fighting off the effects of the drug for some time, for how long he didn’t know. He yawned and stretched, still feeling the effects of the drug. He could also feel the excess of some Lori aura. It was potent and powerful, but the Lori had been killed. Good, someone killed it, thought Danny as he lay back down, the drug still muddling his thoughts. It took a few moments, but the implication of the situation hit him. Drea! She must’ve killed it. He reached his mind out to find her, to make sure she was alright, but couldn’t feel her, and there was no response. What if she’s hurt? He frantically jumped from the tree to her home, stopping in the open window.

She wasn’t in her bed and he didn’t feel her anywhere in the house, which meant she must’ve gone off to kill the Lori. His eyes widened, fear racing through him. Drea wasn’t an experienced fighter and didn’t even have her weapon. I have to find her, he thought as he jumped towards the direction of the excess aura. She had to be there, but he couldn’t feel any of her aura. That wasn’t a good sign.

His heart raced as he rushed to where he thought she was, moving faster than he had in a long while. He felt guilty. This was the second time he wasn’t there for her, something he would never be able to forgive himself for, whether she was ok or not. He’d always felt guilty for what happened to her brother, and now it was the second time he’d let her down. He knew he couldn’t let another person die, or why her death would mean so much to him, but he had to make sure she was alright.

Danny was getting closer to the spot as he moved with unexplainable speed. I can’t let her get hurt. Not again. After what seemed like forever, he touched down in a clearing. Buildings dotted the area with a few trees spread around. One street lamp shown under the full moon, providing illumination under the shadows of the trees. There so much aura in the air it was almost intoxicating.

Danny looked around for Drea, his eyes stopping on an unmoving figure lying near a tree. His heart beat faster.

“Andrea!” He yelled her name as he ran over to her lifeless form. When he knelt down beside her, his worst fears came alive. She was bleeding profusely in a few different places, the blood pooling around her. Danny’s heart almost stopped. He moved some of the hair away from her peaceful face as his contorted in fear and sadness. Slowly he reached out and touched her neck for her pulse. She was breathing, but it was labored and slow. Most of her aura was depleted as well, but she wasn’t dead. He let out a sigh of relief. He’d have to heal her or she’d bleed out. “I won’t let you die Andrea, hold on.”

Danny got to work, removing the bandages he had tied around his arms. The cut on her shoulder was pretty deep, and the stab wound on her thigh went all the way to the bone. The thigh was the worse of the two though, so he decided to fix it first. He knelt next to her for minutes that were hours in his mind, using his aura to heal her wounds. Slowly the bleeding stopped and the skin reformed over the opening. Danny ripped off the rest of her pant leg to cover the wound with his bandages, and removed the fabric on her shoulder to cover it as well. In inspecting her ribs, he found that a few of them were broken. He slowly repositioned them with his aura, being careful of her lungs.

When he finished, he was exhausted. He’d healed people who were half dead before, but the drug was still crawling around in his system, making it harder. Danny sat back, staring at Drea’s serene face in the moonlight. She was beautiful.

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