Chapter 29

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Drea tried to struggle but couldn’t move. She was paralyzed. All of a sudden, she felt the pressure around her release. When she opened her eyes, she coughed and gasped for air. Her heart beat as her chest rose and fell rapidly. She could feel someone’s arms holding her up as her legs gave out and she fell forward.

            In a few minutes, she was breathing again and her vision was clear. In front of her were the three snakes, all staring at her with knowing eyes. She looked to see Kaien beside her, holding her up. When he saw that she could stand, he released her and she stood straight.

            “Do you know what happened?” he asked.

            She narrowed her eyes and said slowly, “Yes, I think I do.” She pointed to the red one. “Fear,” then to the green, “temptation,” and to the blue, “greed.” Each of the snakes were representations of the qualities of corruption.

            Kaien smiled. “Well done.” The three snakes transformed into three men. They stood tall in their all white clothing. One was an old man, one was about forty, and the other was maybe sixty. All three looked fit and capable. They wore stern expressions, but stared at her with kind eyes.

            The oldest one spoke, “You did extremely well, especially for one so young. Tell me, what is your name?”

            She stuttered, “A-Andrea Swift.”

            He smiled. “Well Miss Andrea, you might be the youngest Weaponsmaster we’ve ever seen, but you passed out test nonetheless. Congratulations.”

            “What do you mean?” she spoke.

            The youngest one answered now. “Not every Weaponsmaster is pure of heart. Some desire power or let fear dictate them.  If it is fear that controls them, we will strip them of their power and give it to someone more worthy. If it is power…”

            “We will kill them,” finished the middle-aged one.

            She shuddered. She’d gotten really close to dying by their hands. What a terrible way to die…  

            “Oh we forgot to introduce ourselves,” the young one said. He seemed the most upbeat out of the three. “We have no names; we were stripped of them long ago. We were the first three to fall for this trap. We gave in to greed, temptation, or fear, and have suffered because of it. We now remain as judges for those who pass here.”

            Drea looked at each of them. None of them looked especially bad, they even looked kind, but they made one point clear: those terrible qualities can hide deep below the surface.

            “You passed with flying colors,” said the middle-aged man. “For a moment we thought we’d have to kill you, but you’re more tenacious than we thought.”

            “Um thank you?”

            “Anyway, you’re fine. You’ll make a fine Weaponsmaster,” said the old one. “But be careful. Don’t let your emotions get too much in the way.”

            The three of them stepped towards her and she flinched back. Kaien put his hand on her back and said, “Do not be afraid.”

            The approached her and circled her. “As Weaponsmaster, you will be granted the knowledge you need.” They spoke as one and their eyes lit up in green, red, and blue. They placed their hands around her and she could feel their aura come towards her. It enveloped her, taking control of her and shoving itself into even the darkest corners of her mind.

            She could hear words and voices as their consciousnesses became a part of hers. Memories began to slip into her mind as the information seeped through her skull. Drea could feel her head begin to hurt as she tried to process the information. She saw more of the Weaponsmaster history, along with different techniques and abilities.

            “When you need to know something, you will know,” they said in unison. Their voice sounded no louder than a whisper now.

            Her vision went black and suddenly flashed back to the Shrine. She was standing as she had been earlier, with Kaien in front of her. Drea took a quick breath as if she hadn’t been breathing, and looked around. Her heart was beating loudly in her ears.  

“There is one more thing you must see before you leave.” Kaien pulled out a scroll from his tunic and held it up in front of him.

            “This is the scroll you saw drop when Alka and I disappeared. It contains everything about the battle I fought with Alka and the secrets about the Weaponsmasters.” He held it out to her. “It has been passed to each Weaponsmaster. It is yours until your time is up. Then it will automatically reappear here.”

            Drea grabbed it and saw it had a seal etched in a strange symbol. “Only you can open that scroll Andrea. Anyone else who tries will be set on fire by a fire that cannot be put out. Never let anyone see it, for greed is powerful.”

            He gestured to the inky, wax-like seal that kept it shut. “That will serve as a warning to anyone who tries to open it, but nevertheless do not let anyone see it.” Drea stared down at it. It felt like it weighed a hundred pounds; it was like a death knell ringing in her hands, humming with power.

            “Open it when the time is right. When you feel you are in need of knowledge, open the scroll and read it. It will help you.”  

            Drea nodded, feeling numb. She knew she’d need to open it because she knew she’d have to fight Alka.  

            That’s when Kaien put his hand under her chin and gently nudged her head up so she would look him in the eye. He reminded Drea of when she was a little girl. Her dad would always lift her chin like that when she cried and smile to make her feel better. Now she felt even more homesick.

            “I know it’s scary. It’s worse for you than it has been for any other Weaponsmaster, but we will always stand behind you, and we will do everything to keep you alive. You’re too young to lose your life in a meaningless war of ages past. Never forget your strength. Never forget why you want to fight, and who you’re fighting for.”

            He was talking about her family, about Kevin, about the other Kaienshi. She always wanted to be a hero, and now she had her chance. She exhaled. “I’ll never forget. I’ll keep them safe.”

Kaien straightened, a sad look in his eyes. “If you ever want to know something, think back to your time in the clouds and it should come to you. Anything else you need to know will be in that scroll.”

Drea nodded. She still felt numb, but she was no longer overwhelmed. She felt like a changed person after her experience. “When you know things, you change,” Kaien said. He always talked like he was reading her thoughts.

“It’s time for you to go Andrea. I’ve taught you what you need to know, but whenever you want help or someone to talk with, come here and we will be here.” He smiled, making Drea smile as well. It gave her comfort to know that she could speak with him whenever she visited.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Kaien reached out his hand over her face. All Drea felt was a rush of power before she blacked out.

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