I stood there awkwardly while watching them kiss.  Every second more that it lasted was another second my heart broke into more pieces.  They kissed for about ten seconds, then Justin pulled away.  He was smiling, and so was Katy.  Their eyes were locked on each other and it made my stomach feel sick.  They're happy and joyful, and me?  I'm broken.

Justin started walking towards the door that connects the hotel rooms together.  He knocked, and soon after his mom opened up.  I don't really know anyone else that works/is with Justin except his mom.  I saw a picture of them together before.  I don't know a lot about Justin himself either.  I'm no obsessed fan.  I like a few of his songs, and I actually like to play them on my guitar.  My favorite of his is "That Should Be Me."  Wow, I never thought that song would apply to my life, but I guess now it does.  Justin walked into his mom's room after he said some things to her.  He closed the door behind him, leaving Katy and I in here.  Everything got awkward quickly.

Katy turned to me after a minute or two.  She walked closer to me as well.  "Ben... you don't know how sorry I am. It really was tough to pick who to date. I just don't want to let go of Justin. There's something about him that's special. He makes me feel all bubbly and amazing inside. I just can't explain it. All I know is that I have to hold onto him. Again, I'm sorry," she explained, trying to sound sympathetic.

"Ah, Katy, it's okay. I know it was hard. I just hope he treats you better," I replied, and it was the honest truth.  Alhough, her talking about Justin made me want to gag.  And cry a little.

"Oh, he will. And if he doesn't, I'm yours," she said with a small smile.  I felt happy once she said that, but I also felt a bit sad.  She basically implied that I'm just another boy to fall back on if her current one doesn't work out.  But she probably didn't mean for it to seem like that.

She walked closer to me and gave me a hug.  I breathed in the scent of her perfume.  Wait, I recognize this scent... it's very familiar.  "Katy... What kind of perfume are you wearing?" I asked her.

"I forget the name... Here let me check," she replied as she walked over to a medium sized duffel bag.  After about a minute of digging around, she pulled out an almost empty perfume bottle.

"Katy!" I exclaimed as a memory struck in my mind.

"What?" she questioned, a little worrisome like, and looked over at me.

"That's the perfume I got you for our one year anniversary! Remember? It was really expensive but I still got it," I loudly and happily said, surprised and overjoyed that she still has it.

She looked puzzled, but then her face lit up.  "Oh, yeah! Oh my gosh... I wear this every day. I forgot that you had got it for me," she exclaimed, her expression surprised and happy as she glanced at the bottle again.

"I can't believe you still have it... and wear it every day" I said as I walked over to her.  The thought that something I gave her is a part of her everyday life made me feel a bit better inside.

"Well, I'm almost out of it," she sadly said as she gently shook the bottle.

"I can get you more of it," I said, happily.

"You probably don't have the money," she replied.

"I can find it somehow. If it brings back good memories, I'll find a way to get it. Plus, it smells amazing. It always made me get attracted to you more," I said with a wink.  

She laughed.  "Yeah, it did. I remember the night of our one year anniversary. I put it on, and whenever we came back to my house, your lips couldn't stay off my neck."

I remember that night like it happened yesterday.  I absentmindedly moved closer to Katy as memories clouding my thinking.  The scent of the perfume filled my nose again and my boy hormones got the best of me.  My mind was completely gone when I pulled her close to me and started gently kissing her neck.  Surprisingly, she isn't even trying to stop me.

I Never Thought It'd Be You {JBLS}Where stories live. Discover now