"You won't see each other again after he leaves for California. That might do something to him. Either way, I think you should try. Even if you don't want a relationship with him anymore because, no matter the truth, he has lied in some form, I think it would be better to part on good terms. That way you can look back at your experiences and think positively of your time in Massachusetts. You can have closure."

I nodded but remained silent. Part of me knew he was right, and yet the other part said it would be too hard. I would have a long plane trip to think about it.


I leaned against the wall that was next to the door of the Patriots' locker room. Bill Belichick was giving everyone one last rousing speech before they grabbed their things and left to go their own way. Some players would stay in Massachusetts while others would return to their home states. Never would they all be together as this again. And never would I be a part of them.

I turned my head when I heard someone exit the room. It was Belichick. He gave me a nod before moving to stand on the other side of the door. The players then filed out, and most of them bid me goodbye on their way out.

"It was nice having you as a part of our team," Julian said as he exited with Wes. "We'll miss you."

I gave him a small smile. "I'll miss y'all too."

"I'm sorry about everything," Wes said with an almost guilty look. "Good luck on your future."

I nodded. "Thanks."

Then Rob emerged. "I'll miss you, Lauren!" he said dramatically before flinging his arms around me and pretending to sob.

I rolled my eyes while awkwardly patting his back. "I'm going to see you again, Gronk. You're staying here."

He pulled away and grinned at me. "Yeah, but it wouldn't be the same."

I chuckled and watched him leave. After saying farewell to many other players, the flow stopped. There was one player I knew must still be in the locker room. Before I could make a decision, Belichick made his way over to me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. His tone was gruff, but I could see real concern in his eyes.

I let my smile fade, knowing I could not fool him. "I'm hanging in there. I'm a bit sad that this is the end."

"You're welcome to come back next year."

I hesitated before shaking my head. "Thanks, but it's time for me to move on."

"I'm sorry to hear that." He looked into the locker room and then glanced back at me. "I hope your extra day in Indianapolis did you some good."

"It did, thanks. Peyton-" I did not know if I should continue. Something in the coach's eyes, though, told me this was exactly the conversation he wanted to have. I sighed. "He thinks something deeper is going on with Tom. He thinks he's lying about not caring for me."

There was a hint of a smile on Belichick's face, but then it was gone. "Peyton's pretty sharp. He's a good judge of character." He paused. "I've always believed I am too."

I understood his meaning. I felt my heart squeeze. I was running out of time. "I don't know how to find the truth anymore. I don't want to get hurt."

"I understand that. I don't know what's going on either. Frankly, Tom has disappointed me. That being said, I've watched the two of you for two years, and if there's one thing I can say for certain, whether he knows it or not, you mean a lot to that boy."

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