Scene 16

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The rest of the family Maslow is running at the hallways of the hotel to find the guys and Alexa to tell them what happened and to ask them for help. They find them drinking coffee and chatting altogether in 2L. They knock the door and Alexa gets it...

Alexa: (Opens the door): Oh, hi! Come in!

Poppy and the children come in. Then...

Poppy Kiouloglou: We need help!

Logan: (To Poppy): Why? What happened?

Samantha answers...

Samantha: Syndrome, a villain, came here and took one girl from the room 1F and James, our dad.

Kendall: Who's Syndrome?

Ian continues...

Ian: His name was Incrediboy and because dad wanted to work alone and not with him, he got frustrated and from his #1 fan, he became his #1 nemesis.

Carlos: Is that a ''rational'' reason why he became a villain? That's not logical at all.

Samantha: I know!

Logan: What did this girl look like?

Poppy Kiouloglou: Well, she was in her early 20s, medium height, brown-curly hair and brown eyes.

Logan: Makenzie!

Ian: Do you know her?

Logan: Yes, she's my girlfriend, but I had no idea, she would be here!

Alexa: My sister! (And she starts crying).

Samantha: Wait, wait! Are you sure it's her?

Logan: Yes! If the girl is just like you described her to me, it's her!

Poppy Kiouloglou: Yes, she just like we told you!

Logan: Then it IS her.

Kendall: Anyway, what does he want, in order for you to take them back?

Samantha: He wants us to give up our powers in order for him to find the magic crown.

Kendall: The magic crown? (With a confused face).

Ian: Yes! Whoever wears this crown first, he gets all the superheroes' powers.

Kendall: Tragic!

Poppy, Samantha, Ian: That's why, we'll need your help.

Logan: Yeah, how are we going to do that, exactly?

Poppy Kiouloglou: You'll have to wear costumes, like ours.

Carlos: Why do we need these?

Alexa: Indeed, why?

Ian: Well, since you are our friends, we can tell you.

Carlos: What's going on?

Poppy Kiouloglou: I'll let Samantha tell you.

All faces to Samantha...

Samantha: (To the guys and Alexa): We're a superhero family.

Alexa: Really?

Samantha: Yes, we're from the few ones who are active as superheroes. From the day the government enforced the law that superheroes shouldn't be doing heroic stuff, all the superhero families have become normal ones. Apart from us, of course.

Carlos: Wow! (Looking excited).

Ian: Yeah, it's not as simple as it seems.

Carlos: I know!

Kendall: So, how are we gonna get these costumes?

Poppy Kiouloglou: Piece of cake! Edna Mode!

Alexa: Who's Edna Mode?

Ian: Well she made these costumes we wear, so I think she would be happy to make four more, for each one of you!

Carlos, Alexa, Kendall, Logan: Awesome! Thank you so much!

They they hug each other.

Poppy Kiouloglou: We have to go to call her! See you later!

Carlos, Alexa, Kendall, Logan: Bye!

Poppy, Samantha, Ian: Bye!

Then, Alexa opens the door and lets them get out. Then Poppy, Samantha and Ian, started walking to get to their appartement.

James and I in... The IncrediblesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora