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Lauren's POV:

Today's the day 7/27. "Just Skin" was finally about to be released & I couldn't be more excited. However after that night with Normani I decided it was best for me to take a step back with her, so today should be interesting.

I haven't talked to her since I left her house the night before last. I didn't leave angry, we didn't argue or anything. I just left upset and disappointed.

I wanted her sooooo badly. This was my problem, I'm always too quick to get my feelings involved. How was I wanting forever with a person I met two weeks ago? I fall too hard too fast, and the result is always me feeling the way I do now.

But fuck it, Normani time after time gave me opportunities to stop being so blind and realize that she and I weren't going to happen.

I get it, I'm just convenient for her. Convenient for her and this single & convenient for her when she wanted her pussy ate. So fuck it. Let's keep it cordial and professional that's all we're here for right. This song.

The radio interview we had set up with KIIS-FM today was going to be where our song is debut for the first time. We had to get there around noon so after I finished getting ready I hopped in the car that was sent for me outside of my house.

"Big day huh?" My driver said through the partition.

I nodded forming a smile "yeah".

"Good luck" he added tilting his cap and then turning his focus to the road.  I looked down at my phone to see a message from Normani.

Excited? 😜
I decided against responding and enjoyed the rest of my ride in silence clearing my mind & preparing myself for these interview questions. I fucking hated interviews. Just a bunch of nosey ass people trying to get in your business. But I understood them for the promotional aspect, they're the best way to get stuff out there so I dealt with them.
We pulled up and once the door was opened to let me out I was met by a crowd of fans screaming waiting for hugs, waves and pictures. So I did just that, only lasting for about three minutes though because my body guard Big Rob hinted at me that it was time to go.

Once I entered the building I scanned my surroundings

"Laurennnn" Troy called out.

"Hey Troy" I responded trying to form a smile.

"No funky business today. I know how you are with interviews. Just answer the questions promote the song and give them what they want" He spoke in a serious tone.

"Okay, will do" I said sarcastically. I didnt know why he felt the need to run through this with me as if I haven't been in this industry for three years already. Sure I did have a few funky interviews but for the most part I kept my cool.
"Where's Normani? We have about ten minutes" he questioned.

"No idea.." I mumbled.

"What?! You to have been inseparable, that's a shocker" he blurted out "But I'll call Seth... & cheer up! Today is your day why do you look so down?" Troy always knew when I was out of it or upset because he saw so much of it during this last year.

"I'm fine! I'm excited" I said forming a smile.

"Good, ten minutes" he said giving me a point and walking away.
I stood on the lobby greeting people for about 5 minutes before Normani walked through the door. She looked absolutely amazing. She wore a white low cut crop top and black leather shorts. She even changed her hair, her hair flowed down her back and shoulders flawlessly .

'Shit' I thought to myself as I saw her turn towards me catching my stare.
She walked over to me and spoke "Still can't keep your eyes off me huh?".

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