chapter 17

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Zayn POV

The next morning everything to Harry something to eat because there was no way I was going to get him out of the bed when he's on bed rest I wanted to make sure everything will be okay for him wants had a miscarriage and everything like that and no way am I going to let anybody cause trouble for him now especially he's psycho ex-boyfriend

That's when I walked into the kitchen and saw that the other boys were up I guess they were getting ready to go into work or something cuz he got called in they were wearing our uniforms even though they were supposed to have it off because it was Saturday but sometimes when you work as an x-ray technician or a doctor or anything like we do you get called in

Zayn when I guess you guys got called in and everything today we'll have a fun day at work I suppose LOL I can't believe that the boss and gave me 3 weeks off as well so I can be home with my man

Niall I think he's going to need you right now more than you being so stressed out at work wearing it on him when he's on bed rest so I was something on the go and that because the fact that he has a psycho ex-boyfriend out there trying to cause problems here right now you guys have to deal with that before you can concentrate on staying at work so it's a good thing there's a couple doctors, and things for you until you get back because if we don't do this your life will be a living hell because we got a f****** crazy ex stock right there

Zayn leave it to you to be so blunt about everything come out and say it man LOL anyway I'm going to make my man his breakfast then go back and make sure he's OK even though she's been pregnant and that before you came here I'm going to let those children and he's not being as if they're my own but then again one might be my only cousin I got a call and found out that he's carrying triplets and the fact that we have done it a few times without condoms that one or two would probably be exact and one give me mine

Niall yeah sometimes things have worked out like that was more than one baby when you've been in a situation like this anyway we're done where I was we got to go and be with those technicians are supposed to be have fun but not too much fun LOL

Is one of the things I love the most about my friends no matter what they do or say it's always a way to keep me going and keep me laughing and everything like that and I mean that in the friends inside of school that's why we're all living together and they wanted to make sure I was okay considering that I lost Marcel and it then that's when they understood why I wasn't really doing it for myself into work another happy that I found somebody but they are running funny thing is I was the love of my life in high schools cousins but you know what I've got a feeling he might have sent it to me

Marcel's ghost POV

Baby you know that I'm watching over him and my cousin to them both going through hell and everything and I mean I was talking away from him way too soon and you can never really trust people to fall in love with again and it hurt me to see if he was coming to workaholic and that all the girls that his work was trying to do some you know we both had plans to go to be a doctor together and I'm glad that he actually followed his dreams

And yes I have been watching over him come up here people think of me as a ghost but to tell you the truth I'm an angel that's what they tell me and even though I'm up here they told me I'm destined to be their Guardian Angel and make sure nothing happens so I'm making sure the two of them have the happy ever after they're supposed to be together I should have known that I was destined to look after those boys all along even in death

Just remember no matter what you're happy now with her you're supposed to be in this is what you need baby I'm still watching over you and I love you and my cousins and I can't wait to see the two of you in the afterlife when the time comes back a long time from now but I'm actually your guardian angel is with him you can't hear a word or anything I say right now I just need you to know that yes all your thoughts that you're thinking just follow your heart is true you belong with him be happy my love

Zayn POV again

Like I said I definitely feel like he's watching over me but I don't know how you're doing and they are going to make sure my baby is ok even though with move down there. I'm still going to have a part of my soul in my life and now mine in my heart where it belongs and I need you was my love at first but like maybe he's right maybe by sending her to me I need to be happy again and that's probably all he ever wants I hope he's watching and guarding me from above I got this feeling like he's your guardian angel I could be just a feeling in my heart while I could be going nuts LOL that's good to know you have somebody there that loves you and will always want you only you no matter what

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