chapter 2

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Zayn POV

I couldn't help but think that my new assistant was pretty hot-looking but I'm not going to head on over a thing like that I mean come on I'm very professional at my job if something was to come about between me and him on a mutual circumstances that's totally different right now I knew I had to help them at least find a place to stay

So at the end of the day I went up to him and tell him it was time to go home and I was going to show him to the basement apartment that I was talking about

Dr Mailk hey harry it's time for us to get off and everything like that and I want to show you that basement apartment I was telling you about it just so you know my two roommates are Louis Tomlinson and his boyfriend Niall James Horan and they're both x-ray technicians here in the hospital and the two of them could be crack-ups anyway are you ready to go

Harry yeah I'll be ready in a couple of minutes I'm just finishing walking in your appointments and everything in your database for tomorrow and I'm checking the people that are coming and or blood bank some stuff that needs to be done and everything for this certain tests and that you have to have one tomorrow for a certain one of your people coming in

Dr Mailk well by the looks of things you've got hold of mrs. Anderson's system and then around here pretty good and it seems like you're even ahead on a bit of work for them or all well you definitely put your mind to it when you do your job don't you

Harry oh yes sir I even then fix the filing cabinet in that because some of your files for a date and everything mrs. Anderson said she never had a chance to do it so I told her I'd get it done no problem when she pointed out to me today so yes everything is up to date but the new systems they put into place and then mrs. Anderson Style and she worked like clockwork around here

Dr Mailk well that's absolutely great and everything so we can get to it and everything and then have any easier system that we can understand this stuff between what she put in the new knowledge you have everything to be much easier around here anyway let's get ready and leave because I really want to clock out I've been here long enough for one day oh no don't tell me they are comes Perrie Edwards she's one of the girls in are X-ray department must just say she's always trying to get with me but I keep telling her I'm bloody f****** gay so let's get out of here before she spots me

Harry yeah I'm right behind you on that one let's go

As I was leaving I couldn't help but feel thankful that I got out of there and away from her she's such an annoying sometimes I just wish she get the hint that I'm gay not straight fucken pearl because it takes a long time to try to get around here you if you know what I mean

Zayn okay you can get in your car and follow me to where I live but I think before we go there maybe we should go to the hotel that you are staying in and get all your stuff first so we don't have to make two or three trips that would probably be easier on you don't you think

Harry yeah I do think that would be easier because that way we don't have to go all the way out and get my stuff later and everything let's just go get my stuff at checkout and then we can just go on to the apartment that you're going to write me and everything which is good because to tell you the truth I would really like to have a nice comfortable place and everything which reminds me I guess I'm going to have to get furniture and stuff for that apartment am I

Zayn well you can always decorate it the way you want me to run and everything and that but for now I already have it furnished cuz it seems like you came here with just your clothes and everything on your back and I correct and you haven't really started working anything until today so yeah you just gotta get back on your feet is what you're saying from the looks of things am I right and if you don't mind me asking you not to be rude or anything but why did you come all the way out here

Harry oh I don't mind you asking at all I came all the way out here because me and my father had a fall-out and everything because the fact that I'm gay and he doesn't respect me for who I am my mother does love me and everything and she's okay with everything and that and she's going to come out here later on when she knows I got a good job and then settled in everything also I was an abusive relationship and I didn't want to be around that ass anymore so yeah pretty much just wondering if fresh new start

Zayn yes well I see where you're coming from and everything on that one everybody deserves a fresh new start and stuff like that so I think we're pulling up to the hotel you stayed at was only a cheap one so why did you go get your things and then you can follow me back to my place

Everyone inside to get all of the stuff I couldn't help but think about everything he just told me damn she's hot man why am I thinking of this he's my f****** assistant but damn those jeans on his ass look f****** tight get your head in the game your a f****** doctor you should be thinking this way about your f****** assistant but then again he is f****** hot man I'm starting to sound like the girls that are trying to seduce me get it together man well least I understand now why are the girls are growing all over me because I am but they say that I never even looked at it that way before but seeing him damn I just want to run my fingers through those hot looking curls get your head out the gutter I just pray and hope that there when we get back to my place that my roommates will not make me feel like s*** and make me feel like I gotta get laid or anything cuz they keep joking around with me about that I know I haven't had it in a while but it's just because I haven't found the right guy and I wish people would understand that I don't need all these floozies at work that are girls that have no sense of style coming on to me because I'm gay

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