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Harry POV

I really was enjoying myself having supper upstairs and knowing the fact that I have someone in my life now that can take care of me and want me for the right reasons I don't have to worry about that ex-boyfriend of mine and that way anymore but what if he comes looking for me but thankfully I have a new boyfriend never thought it would be my boss though but damn he's one sexy doctor

Zayn what you think about baby because it seems you are miles away there

Harry just thinking how lucky I am that I've met someone new and now I'm starting a brand new job and the guy that happen to be with a sexy Doctor Who's my boss

Zayn well you're not too bad yourself sexy I like those curls and everything

Louis then you guys got it bad for each other hopefully this'll be good because then the girl.. Perrie Edwards will stop stalking you because she doesn't take no for an answer I mean come on I know that you're gay and everything and she still asks me when we were working if I fix her up with you I just hate it when I have to have the same shift with her

Niall I totally understand where you're coming from on that one day because I have to have the same shift for her sometimes too she's so annoying God and if she's not asking you to fix them up she's asking me like come on he's gay does she know the meaning of the word

Harry well she better not try nothing now because he's not single no more he's with me and if he tries to tell her to leave him alone and she don't back off I'm going to let her know that he's my man even though I'm usually quiet and stuff when it comes to stuff like that but seriously I do not tolerate women hitting on my man or anybody hitting on my man for that matter no offense baby I know you can take care of yourself and all but it'd be nice for them know that you got somebody

Zayn I totally understand where you're coming from baby anyway I suggest now that supper is over how about mean you go down to the basement apartment where you live and just have some alone time so these two Knuckleheads can do whatever they want

Harry yes I would actually like that

Niall don't have way too much fun down there boys

Harry I could say the same for you guys up here because from what I heard how loud you were earlier when I came in I think I might be hearing you guys downstairs a lot but don't worry I won't complain that your business I just hope if I get any friends of mine that have roommates will be they don't complain because sometimes they can find it annoying but I'm easy going so don't worry about it because if you're going to be doing that with him I might just be having with my baby hear it downstairs when the time is right

Zayn just so you know I've never had it in so long and whenever you're ready baby just tell me and I'll be sore to make sure you get it the proper way even if we just started dating today and you wanted today you got it
On when the time comes for us to have sex it will be when you are ready

Harry wow thank you guys all my other boyfriends want when they want it they never let me be ready you know you never let me enjoy it they always said if you're not ready you're going to have it anyway yeah I added some real big f****** pricks and my last one was the worst that's why I decided to move away because all those Pricks are still there and I just want to start a new you know

Niall we totally get you on that one now you boys go have fun but not too much fun downstairs and we won't have too much up here this hopefully we don't hear each other lol

Louis oh come on baby be here either one of us screaming is going to be here because you love it when I give you the D Niall

Niall I got to agree with you on that one I've got no complaints

Zayn okay I think me and you should go downstairs baby before they end up telling us everything about their bloody sex life especially Louis he could sit here and talk about his sex life for hours

Niall yeah I'm the more discreet of the two of us

Louis hey I'm just great most of the time it's just when it comes you guys I don't mind telling you because you guys are so close to us and you understand you here as half the time anyway so it's no big deal when there's people around you don't want to see you when you got a roommate and friends to come over all the time those used to it besides I'm proud of my baby in the bed

Harry well on that note like you said baby let's go downstairs before they tell us too much more

That means anyone down to my apartment I couldn't believe it I'm actually dating my boss he's so hot and sexy and I couldn't believe it when he said that he would actually be willing to have sex when I'm ready you know what if he's willing to be that way I might let him have it tonight if the timings right but I know one thing for sure it was b****** at work better back off and stop trying to seduce my baby because he's mine

Zayn I know we just started dating and everything and that is just something about you so I have to say these words I love you and I don't say those words lightly

Harry on the next thing is I'm going to say it to you too I love you and I usually don't say those words lightly either and my other relationships it took me months to say it so it's just something about you and no I'm not with you cause you're a doctor or anything like that I'm with you for the right reasons with your personality and who you are you're so caring and I just want to make sure you know that no matter what I'm in this for the right reasons too

Zayn good cause all I ever wanted in life in a relationship I'm sick and tired of all these floozies trying to seduce me and s*** just because I'm one of the best doctors around and everything and I'm hot they don't care the fact that I'm gay they just want to get me in the sack I don't swing that way man if I'm with somebody I'm totally loyal and that's it and when I'm with you no trust me you're going to be pampered and everything baby

Harry you know if you keep acting the way you are you might be just lucky enough to get a little bit of something tonight let's see how far we go

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