chapter one

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Harry POV

I couldn't believe it I was sitting around waiting to find out what you talk to her I was going to be the assistant to because I really am looking forward to starting here at the hospital considering this doctor is one of the top here and I heard he was getting like me which is good so I'm going to help them my best to keep him away people that's always trying to seduce them that's what the Chief of Staff has been telling me

I can't help but think to myself if he's gay why would all the girls wanted to be going around and trying to seduce

And then I noticed as soon as he walked into the room and introduced himself to me that there was a good reason for it he look like a Greek god with that jet-black hair and everything damn he's hot okay focus he's going to be your boss not some piece of meat you want to get into his pants but then I could see why anybody would want to seduce him so he's here he's your boss you never know what might happen on the road but still just take it day by day but this could be very interesting

Dr Mialk I'm dr. Malik my new assistant that I heard so much about

Harry yes sir I'm Harry Styles

Dr. Malik so don't go calling me sir and everything like that makes me feel old I'm not that old I actually graduated from med school quite at a young age I'm only in my twenties so I prefer to be called zayn by my fellow colleagues and stuff like that unless I'm dealing with patients or something otherwise than that I have to be called doctor then but you know when it's just us talking normal you can call me by my first name

Harry okay I can tell that we're going to get along then because you seem very laid-back that's the type of person I like to have as a boss I just don't like people that are too uptight and no offense

Zayn I totally understand where you're coming from and stuff like that so I will show you to your desk everything and then and show you what I need you to start doing today

Harry that's great hope it's fun and where everything is so I know what to do and find my way around your office and everything so I can do what you need me to do as your assistant that is

Zayn well you don't need to worry about anything like that because my old assistant is going to stay around today and tomorrow today is our official last day but she wants to teach you the ropes before she leaves because she don't want to leave you hanging and not understand where everything is so she's basically finishing up today herself and she's going to work alongside you to show you things and then tomorrow she's going to come in and make sure you know everything for a couple of hours and then it's all in your hands she's basically just going to give you a little train crash course training session she thinks it's best because that way I understand how it works around my office she never likes to leave anybody hanging and not understanding the system that she got set up cuz she did a great job setting up a really easy computer program and everything and she just wanted to show you how to use it this night job little more using for she leaves

Harry why I think that's really good of her to do that cause least that way I understand how things work around your office and you can keep going with the system that you're used to it I understand it and if there's some stuff I don't understand we can maybe come on compromise so we can keep doing what you're used to and meet in the middle with something that's good for me there's always ways of working around it

Zayn you see that's the way it always should be compromised and know what to do and get everything done around there you do your job the way you normally do it and whatever she shows you two will help you will get along just perfect and I'm looking forward to working with you

Harry I'm looking really forward to working with you as well thank you which reminds me I've got to figure out where I'm going to get apartment or something around here soon I just thought of that because I'm staying at a hotel for now or I'm new in town I'm lucky I got this job and I think it's good thing I got the course

Zayn well I do run at apartments and stuff there isn't a basement apartment in the house that I live with my two best friends so yeah if you want you can run that out that's my house me but my two best friends moved in with me it's easier that way because that way we can all make sure everything is up and running and we can carpool to work on stuff like that no fun living alone you don't have nobody in your life

Harry that would be great I would love to arrange your basement apartment and everything that would work perfectly for me thank you

Zayn so we get out of here at the end of the day and you can follow me home so you can rent the apartment and I'll tell my two roommates are also people that work in this Hospital that you're going to be renting the basement apartment and everything so yeah anyway let's get to work shall we

And with that we went to his office where I met mrs. Anderson and started to learn everything from her and he went back to the office she could tell by the way that I was looking at him but I was gay she said you never know what can happen he's good to you and I had to laugh she's such a sweet old woman but like she said she's getting up there so it was time for her to retire so it's only fair that he gets a decent new person to take her place and she's got a feeling that I'm going to be just fine she thinks I might even be the one for him but I only just met him but then again you never know when an old lady has an intuition

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