chapter 9

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Harry POV

Oh no that's what you did just not call out to my man trying to seduce him when she knows that he is f****** gay looking b**** you're going to get a mouthful

Harry why can't you get a f****** clue a girl he's gay and it's not like he's single anymore he's with me now and I'm his new assistant so do me a favor back the f*** off

Perrie Edwards yeah right like you would go for somebody like you I mean he would rather a chick like me I'm one of the hottest girls hair when it comes to doing my job on the top on one of the best x-ray technicians that they have

Zayn oh please you're so full of it I told you many times I'm Bloody Jay and yes he is telling you the truth he is my boyfriend as of yesterday we started dating he is my new assistant yet but he's actually a guy and we got to know each other so yeah I like him a lot so why don't you just go and stop trying to get into my pants for the love of bloody God I am gay get it through your thick skull

Perrie well now that you have somebody in your life that's a man and everything I'm just going to try to get you that much harder the game is definitely on yep there's nothing like trying to play the game was using a gay doctor

Dr Simon Cowell I suggest Miss Edwards used to conducting yourself in a more proper manner around here cuz if I catch you doing stuff like that trying to seduce dr. Malik when he's in a relationship with a guy or anything like that I'm going to come out and very very strictly put you on that say I don't know a bad case of suspension from work for a while and if that don't work then I will fire you you're getting a warning right now so let the two of them be there's nothing wrong with employees dating each other but you have to respect employees as well in this type of environment if he says he's gay and he's dating his assistant was a guy that's his business but you have no right to try to seduce him how do I make myself clear

Perrie Crystal Clear sir

Dr Simon Cowell good cuz you know I am the chief of staff around here and if I have to do what I have to do to put you in your f****** face I will now everybody off to work do what you gotta do and please if I catch you trying to do anything that you're supposed to not be doing again this but words you're going to know it

Harry well thank you sir we didn't think you would actually stop in something like that but I guess she was getting a little too carried away I mean that was just plain rude

Dr Mialk well I think you stepped in because you know it's time and time again and after telling her to back off but I've got a feeling that even though he stepped in she still might be up to something I think you again for doing that anyway I'm off to my office and went with my beautiful boyfriend here so he can do his job and I could do my job and then I'll meet up with my friends at lunch but I've got a feeling that I haven't heard the last of her and her b*******

Harry wow I never thought we'd come across someone that bad he will not give you the time a day just to let you be and trust you when you tell them that you're gay and they keep coming after us must be crazy I wish you would understand that when you say you're gay you mean you're gay you don't want to be seduced by a check then you like dick

Dr Mialk wow that was kind of blunt and everything baby but you did say it like it is and everything and I wish you'd understand but sometimes I guess but this is the only way you're going to get your point across LOL anyways I'm going to be in my office you do what you got to do that here is the assistant love you

Harry I love you too

Was that he went into his office but the next thing I knew there was this commotion coming down the corridor I looked up and oh my God don't f****** tell me my ex boyfriend is here work the God damn does he want I'm not in the mood to have to deal with this s*** head right now I don't know what to do and I just want him to get the f*** out of here what the hell is he doing here man I am going to freak out if he tries to do anything to me because of him I was the reason why I had a miscarriage when me and him were together I don't want to have to deal with his s*** right now

Max hey baby miss me

Harry no f****** way I moved away to get the f*** away from you because I'm sick and tired of your f****** bullcrap and because of you is the reason why I lost my f****** child even though the child was yours too but it was you and your ship because me that have the f****** miscarriage get it through your f****** goddamn son-of-a-bitchin mind that I don't want to be near you forever so get the hell out of here right now I'm at before I have security issue your ass out of here and if you keep coming around here this is what I'm going to do I'm going to go over there knock on dr. Malik's office and get him to come out because believe it or not right now he's my new boyfriend so if you don't f*** off right now look out

Max when you get the guts to talk like that to me you never have the guts to do that I'm supposed to control you you're not supposed to talk to me that way your mind no matter what I don't give a f*** who you're with you're coming back with me babybaby

Dr Mialk I believe he told you to f*** off and get the hell out of here so leave him alone right now or I'll have security come in and deal with you oh by the way just so you know that man over there is the chief of staff and he decide everything you did so leave or you're going to be you being pulled out of here in cuffs but Scotland Yard

Max you got lucky this time then but I'll be back to get you here no one takes you away from me

Dr Simon Cowell if I were you I'd leave right now before security comes up and squeeze your ass out of here and then Scotland Yard comes and takes you away for coming on this property and causing a scene in the hospital and making employees feel like they're not safe and so long with the patience and he had a right to curse you out usually when do something with that he told me the only way he would do something like that as opposed to you he told me upfront about everything you did to him and that when I hired him to come on and be doctors Malik's new assistant so if you don't leave right now Scotland Yard will be here before you know it

Max oh I'm shaking in my boots I'm out but I'll be back Harry and I'll be here when you work but I'll find out where you live and I'll get you because you're mine

Harry you see stuff like that right there is why I dumped his ass and moved away but he still will not let me go

Dr Simon Cowell I think I'm going to have to do some security around here just to make sure you're safe and everything for a while and everything just finished your shift and I'm going to tell security about that guy so he may know what's going on you do your job and everything of that and I know you won't have no problems and everything if we can get them off your back for the rest of your day

Dr Mialk hey come on it's lunch time what are we going to meet up with the rest of the group and everything in that and figure out why all this is happening to all of a sudden

Harry yeah you're right baby and I don't want to have to deal with him again holy crap it was bad enough we were dealing with that girl that was trying to seduce you now I have to deal with my psycho ex and I just wish I can get away from him without him following me all the way here is that too much to want to start over and have a fresh start with someone that cares like you

Zayn trust me when I say I'm not going to let him get near you I don't care of how many girls try to seduce me or whatever or if he tries to come back here to take you away I'm going to do everything in my power to be with you and come on I know you're scared but we're going to fight this together baby if you want and I can spend the night with you again or you could spend the night upstairs with me either way you're not going to be alone now that I know that has his here

Harry know for sure I have you to count on

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