Chapter twenty-seven

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bound to you- Christina Aguilera

Sweet love, sweet love
Trapped in your love
I've opened up, unsure I can trust
My heart and I were buried in dust
Free me, free us

You're all I need when I'm holding you tight
If you walk away I will suffer tonight

I found a man I can trust
And boy, I believe in us
I am terrified to love for the first time
Can you see that I'm bound in chains
I finally found my way
I am bound to you
I am bound to you



Annie's POV

I was listening to bound to you on my stereo when Julian walked in and took me in his arms dancing to the lyrics. The lyrics felt like they were meant for us, now I believe that because of the bad things that happened to me it just pulled Julian and I closer towards one another until he was here and came to my doorstep.

My head was resting on his shoulder as he turned the music down a little and sat on the bed pulling me down on his lap. "When do you think we will get married?" He asked me and I looked at him trying to see if he was teasing, but he wasn't he looked very serious at the moment. "Not until we are like twenty five years old." I replied to him with a slight chuckle and he sighed squeezing my middle.

"I'm so glad that we are together,finally we are together the real deal." Julian exclaimed and I was about to say something when he cut me off with a raise of his hand. "Let me finish. It is really wonderful being your boyfriend Annie more than wonderful actually it''s...schiacciante meraviglioso." (Italian for: overwhelmingly wonderful) "I will protect you from anyone or anything Annie, I don't care what it is I won't let anything harm you." He continued and kissed my forehead holding my cheeks in his warm hands.

"I love you, Annie." Julian murmured into my hair and laid us down tired from our make-out session earlier. We slept until I felt someone shake me awake, I looked to the person to see Embry staring down at me and I realized that Julian wasn't in the room with me. A cold ice feeling just dropped low in my stomach as I stared up at Embry, trembling with fear to scared to open my mouth to speak.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Julian's voice said and I looked over Embry's shoulder to see Julian standing in the doorway of my room. "I came to talk to my girlfriend asshole." Embry replied,coldly and I winced at his voice tears springing in my eyes from what he did to me. "First of all, she is not your girlfriend anymore she is mine." Julian corrected Embry walking towards us and spinning Embry around to face him. "Second, you are going to pay for hurting my girlfriend." He said and connected his fist against Embry's jaw with a loud thud.

Embry stumbled back, but remained standing and swung his fist hitting Julian on his right cheek. Julian took a step back holding his cheek and crashed into Embry sending them flying into the wall next to me as I screamed for them to stop trying to pry them off of each other, one of their elbows hit my cheek bad and I fell on the bed, knocked out.


"Amore?...amore?" I heard Julian calling to me speaking in italian his voice worried and scratched up like he has been crying. I groaned and tried to move my head, my neck hurt and ached from the angle it was in. "It's okay baby I'm here...shit." Julian sweared,his voice growing faint as I blacked out again.

When I regained consciousness again I was in the hospital. Julian was sitting next to me in a chair his head laid on my lap and his hand in mine,fast asleep. The monitors beeped and the machines chugged as I took in my surroundings and adjusted to the room. There were balloons and cards on the table next to the t.v. stand on another table was flowers.

Taking, a deep breath I tried to sit up, a hand stopped me and I looked towards Julian seeing him smile at me. "Hey cupcake." He murmured softly and I smiled at the old nickname he called me when we were little. "Hey...what happened?" I asked him,laying back down and finding the remote attached to the bed and slowly pulled the bed up, so I was sitting up. 

"Well, you got hit by Embry's elbow connecting hard with the side of your face when you tried to break us up. You was out cold the second it hit you,when I saw you laying on the bed knocked out I lost it and pummeled Embry until there was blood all over his body than I kicked him out and told him to find his own way to the hospital than I got back to you and took you to the hospital." Julian explained to me.

Touching,the side of my face I felt a huge bump there and could image how it looked;all purple and blue. With a sigh escaping my lips I called for a nurse and asked her if I can go home now. "Just give me a minute and I'll talk to your doctor to see if you can be released." She informed me and I nodded, holding Julian's hand in mine.

A few moments later, she came back and told us we can leave, she unattached the wires and needles out of my body than gave me some medicine and Julian and I were on our way out of the hospital. Julian opened my door for me and I climbed in my car laying my head back on the seat as he got in and started the car beginning to drive us home.

"I'm sorry." Julian apologized to me once we got to my house. "For what?" I asked him,looking towards him. "For breaking my promise." He exclaimed and I waved his comment off leaning over and kissing his lips. "It's okay, I love you." I told him and got out heading up to my front door. "I missed the party." I said, a frown making its way onto my face when I saw the Halloween decorations hanging from the walls and cups an bags of chips on the tables. "Oh and it saved me from a massive headache." I mumbled and went up to my parents home to inform them that I was home. My mom is staying for the rest of the year and will be off again in march so I'm glad we get to have more time with her.

"Oh honey are you okay?" My mom asked me as she engulfed me into a tight hug,my father wrapping his arms around us as well. "Yes I'm fine I guess y'all heard about what happened last night." I said and pulled back from their hug. "Yes Julian told us, oh my gosh look at your face." My mom's voice went up into a squeak when she touched the big lump on my face. "Looks like I have to shape that Embry kid up." My father threatened and I nodded with him in agreement and went into my room while my parents watched me until I closed my door.

As soon as I hit my bed I was out cold sleeping soundlessly while the medicine worked through my body. I dreamed of Embry getting tag teamed by Julian and my father, a smile crept onto my face as I slept.

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