Chapter ten

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At dinner,

 While my mom and dad was talking to each other I turned to see Embry looking nervous."Hey what's wrong Emmy?"I asked him taking his hand under the table.He seemed to snap out of his nervous breakdown and looked at me sheepishly grinning."Nothing sweetie just a little nervous,meeting your mom and all."He replied and I nodded smiling when my parents turned to us I ate a piece of my meatloaf and heard Embry grunt out at me,looking over at me to see him glaring at me.

"What?"I asked putting my fork down.He just glared at me than leaned in and whispered in my ear rather harshly."Did you have to eat like those skinny girl's do just now?It's totally unattractive." I looked at Embry like he was crazy than shrugged.

"So,how did you two um hook up?"My mom asked out of the blue.Eating my chicken salad you know the macronni ones it was good Embry made it I didn't even know he could cook.Embry spoke before me.

"Well after the first year of high school and when I saw Annie I couldn't take my eyes off of her.No other girl could compare to Annie's looks,I was too shy to tell her how I felt about her until this year.I know I'm crazy to wait all those years and not tell your daughter how I felt about her waiting for someone to snatch her away from me."He paused to look at me and kiss my hand that was holding his."Something told me to get off my shy ass and go straight to her and charm my way to her and at the right time tell her that I liked her for all these years."Embry said his eyes glistening when he smiled and kissed my cheek making me blush.

"Oh my!that was touching."My mom said and wiped at her eyes a bit,than I turned to Embry and murmured to him."I need to talk to you in private." He nodded and excused us from dinner taking me outside.

"So what did you want to talk about baby?"He asked me sitting on the bench swing.I sat next to him my legs crossed under me as I laid my head on his shoulder.

" can you help me lose all this fat?"I blurted out too nervous to take it slow.Embry straightened up looking at my face I avoided his gaze which made him put his fingers under my chin and pull my face towards his.

"Baby of course I'll help you whatever you want."He said than kissed me,smiling against his lips I kissed back feeling happy and excited.


 Embry's POV

I watched Annie jog on the precor 966i experience series treadmill panting and losing her breath trying to stop and couldn't sweating hard."Please Emmy let me stop."She begged me and I shook my head pouring water into her mouth while I upped the speed a bit making her jog faster.

"Oh come on please Embry just one little break."Annie begged louder as I worked on lifting the 50 pound weight."No...keep...jogging."I huffed out to her lifting up and down the huge weight hearing Annie groan and fiddle with the buttons to try and turn it off.

I was smart enough to put a lock on the treadmill so I can only turn it off."You locked it!"Annie screamed at me well huffed at me and I put the weight back up standing up again walking to the treadmill and turning it off watching Annie step off of it hands on her knees doubling over trying to catch her breath.

"You......Bastard."Annie panted out and I smiled hugging her from behind already seeing a change in her."Yeah I know you don't mean it so sure I'ma complete bastard."I replied back kissing her sweaty neck.She pushed me off wiping her sweaty visible body parts with a towel.

I clapped my hands once and loud near Annie's ears getting her attention when she turned to me."Okay's biking time."I said,Annie's eyes widened in terror than she tired to make a run for the exit but I stopped her towing her to the biking section.

"Come on."was all I said and got on a empty bike next to another empty bike after Annie got on it.I set the time to forty-five minutes and she freaked out trying to get off the bike and was stuck."Annie it's not that bad just think of something that makes you happy and you'll be fine."I ressured her and she nodded relaxing than started pedaling me right beside her wondering what or who maked her happy.


Annie's POV

I thought of Embry and my favorite dog that passed away a year ago as I biked up that fake huge hill the bike tightening up making me pedal harder and faster my legs aching more.

"Embry I can't-."I said but got interrupted when Embry glared at me pedaling fast.Seeing him angry I shut up and pedaled after him soon it was a race between us and guess who won.

Surprisingly I did.I was so happy and excited than suddenly turned to Embry glaring at his too innocent face."Did you let me win?"I asked him crossing my arms under my chest.He looked at my sweaty chest an swallowed hard than met my eyes.

"No I did not let you win."He said but his eyes swept across the room to quickly and I knew he was lying.

"Rematch now no cheating!!"I hollered at him and he smiled making the time fifty minutes now I didn't care and as soon as it started I was off leaving Embry to eat my dust.

HA HA that's what you get for cheating.Apparently I wasn't looking and when I looked back on the screen I was in a ditch.I shrieked in fustration getting up and screaming at the green screen that it was a cheater and it made me lose on purpose.

Embry chuckled behind me and I turned on him and the look on my face shut him up quickly.When the gym annouced that it would be closing soon Embry and I worked on our last minute work outs than went home.

 "You let me win on purpose just so we got do it again?"I asked Embry once we was on his car and driving to my house first.

"Um...yeah haha your dad said that you were really competitive so I tried to get you heated up so you can burn more and not feel the pain."He explained stopping in front of my house.Nodding,I turned and kissed Embry's lips passionately holding his face in my hands as his arms wound around my waist.

"I love you."I whispered against his mouth feeling him smile but when he didn't say anything I got out watching him drive away.

 Why didn't he say that he loved me back????? Was the only thought squirming in my head as I made my way upstairs and to my room locking myself in it.


 I hope you guys like this chapter cuz i do!!! :D

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