Chapter: II

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A rustle from the night woke you from your slumber. Slowly but surely, you opened your eyes and saw nothing but darkness surrounding you.

The dead silence sent chills down your spine, it was as if you were dead.

Your heart was pounding in your ears, the only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat. It was as if it was the only thing alive.

Lifting up your numb hand, you reached over to your face, only to find it icy cold. Just like a corpse.

Slowly getting up from what you were lying on, your feet hesitantly touched the ground, only to find a pair of fur slippers.

Sliding into them, you stood up and started taking baby steps towards the front, in hope of finding some kind of light that could lead you through the never ending darkness.

Thankfully, on the seventh step you came in contact with a wall. Reaching around, you found a little button in the wall, pressing onto it all the lights in the room came on, almost flashing you blind.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you could still see the sparkles dancing around in your vision.

When you were ready to face the lights again, you opened your eyes little by little to let it adjust to the blinding lights.

After fully opening them, you could see clearly now. Finding your self in a stranger's room, the ceiling was decorated with all kinds of lights that all came in different shapes and colours. The walls were a warm baby blue, with black and white cravings of fairy tale characters and scenes on it, such as the moment when little red riding hood pointed towards the direction of her grandmother's house for the wolf.

The curtains were a shade of Aqua green, that was made out of real silk, half covering the wall sized window at the other side of the room. In the middle top of the room, was a queen sized waterbed. It's blankets were a soft pink that looked almost white, with two fluffy pillows with the matching colour resting at the top right beside the bed post that was a cloud white.

Then there was this odd birch wood closet that rested about a  meter or two beside the bed. It looked like a old fashioned one that was a few centuries old but it fitted the theme of the room perfectly. A mysterious yet warm feeling.

At the corner of the room was a another room that you assume was the washroom. Walking over, you pushed the birch wood door open and flicked on the light right beside the door. The washroom walls were a navy blue with marble floors that was so shiny, it almost reflected your face.

There was white and gold standing bathtub with a shower head at the left corner of the room, the white curtains were brushed off at the side exposing the shimmering material.

At the other side was a porcelain toilet, everything was squeaky clean. Not a single bit of dust or stain.

Then finally, in the middle of the was a giant sink that was connected to three oak cupboards. The sink was also made out of marble, with a bottle of soap beside. There was also a steel towel hanger beside the sink, with two pure white towels draped over it.

Sucking in a shaky breath, you muttered.

While on the other side of the mansion

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