SP - PART 1 Chapter 6 Memory Lane Is A Long Walk

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Part 1, Chapter 6 - Memory Lane Is A Long Walk

She is quiet beautiful even as a child. Very bright kid, she has always been smart and kind. She was a ray of sun shine in the darkest days. You couldn't stop her once her mind was set.

She was an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

She changed a lot since she lost her brother then her father tore what little was left. I gave to change as well. Too much is taken away when a person you loved dies that you can't get back. It breaks a person in so many ways. It's extremely hard to understand how mentally it destroys a person for a long time. Sometimes never to be mended or fixed.

My hands tightened on the steering wheel, anger bubbling in my chest. I walked away for her safety and I feel like I have only drove her further into a hole she can't escape. I was the one person besides her family see loved with all her heart. She give me so many little pieces of herself.

"Jude!" My head to turns to see the curly haired angel I adore with all my heart.

"Hello little one." A huge smile spreads across my face. I loved her so much. She's the warmth on a rainy day.

She wraps her arms around me, "I missed you! I'm glad you're feeling better."

Her face is shoved into my chest, my chin on the top of her head. Strawberries and mint. She always smelled delicious. I could tell it was her just from her smell which always feels like home.

"I am feeling much better, thank you for the soup too." I smile at remembering the taste of it.

She glances at my face, "I told my mom that I wanted to give you soup so she helped me make it since I have no clue on how."

I couldn't help but just smile at her. She was over every day making sure I had enough blankets, ate food, and was taking my medicine. I can't forget shoving water down my throat because I could get dehydrated.

She always cared so deeply for people and gave everything she could all the time. Nothing less than extraordinary, this girl. For her age, she has always been excelled in understanding feelings and people.

She made you feel special and in a category of your own. She made you feel like you could stand on your two feet in the worst of times because she was rooting for you. She never made you feel bad or bashed you for the wrongs in your life. She just brought you up and over the moon because she knew you could make it there and nothing less.

I just smiled because I knew I could face anything for her.

My mind went blank after the memory stopped. I felt numb, the fear stopped me in my tracks. I don't feel like I can do or be anything anymore. He has made sure of that. I can't face this anymore because it means she could get hurt.

I can't let him hurt you, Alana.

The thoughts and memories of the day a huge part of her was ripped away, it all crashed against my chest. I couldn't breathe. My chest tightens and I feel cold. I try to suck air into my lungs.

Panic attack.

I quickly pull the car over. The memories flood my system successfully shutting me down. They always do, remembering that day is purest form of hell.


It sprayed against the lockers, a pool on the floor. The gun shoot cut my hearing and left a ring in it tracks. Stumbling to figure out what happened. Is it my blood? Am I bleeding or is it someone else?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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