SP - PART 1 Chapter 2 Tell Your Lies

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Part 1, Chapter 2 - Tell Your Lies

Last night was a huge mess. Take everything wrong in your life and make it all explode at once, in your face, times ten. Image your feet being pulled out from under you causing your body to fall into complete darkness, not knowing when you will hit the ground; the anxiety growing and twisting inside your gut. Not knowing when the darkness will either sallow you whole or you will see light once again. Just not knowing.

There is no other way to explain the bomb that happened and explaining it is the last thing I actually want to do. Explaining always seems to get everyone hurt and I don't want that. I have experience enough pain to never want anyone else to go through it. Pain isn't a toy as much as some people like to play with it and force others to feel it. Pain is something you choose to lock away deep in your soul, pain isn't something to share; it's something that will just hurt others so to be quiet and shut up is the only goal.

The silence is basically only thing I have lived by since I was little, not wanting to say the wrong thing to bring that look of sadness or hurt someone from speaking too much. Somethings just are not to be said even if we wish we could. Silence is the key to ensure everyone's safety and peace of mind, even if that means mine is put aside. Drowning in the lies while keeping the words on my tongue and at the back of my throat is a skill I have learned and mastered. It's the only thing to keep me alive so long.

The lights turn on causing myself to lower my arm over my eyes to block the white glow, it's too damn early. I slowly open my eyes letting them adjust to the amount of light being let into the room while trying to see who is down here. I see a older women, about the age of 40. She is very pretty still with long brown hair and hazel eyes. A women I remember from the days of my childhood that weren't always bad. Her laugh always reminded me of bells, just like my mother. I always loved my mother's laugh.

"What time is it?" My voice coming out horsey and raw.

"Around one o'clock, we figured we should let you sleep." She continues to fold clothes and put them into drawers, " Here are your clothes from yesterday as well." She gave me a small smile as she places them at the end of the bed.

A quick thank you was all I gave in response. After I got myself together, Alana told me to go to bed before heading up stairs. Also threatening to kill me herself if I dare leave in the night. I had no energy and no other place to go even if I wanted to leave, I couldn't. I knew I was safe here and I was staying until I was better or they asked me to leave.

She sat on the bed lightly, folding her hands in her lap, "So, Alana is a very curious person which we both know from experience with her. You already know she is going to want to ask questions upon questions about what has been happening. I told her to ask once and if you tell her you don't want to talk then to leave it. She respects you and I know she will do so, for a little while that is. I, on the other hand will not be asking questions until you are ready to come and talk I will leave you be.

"You will stay here until whatever is going on is resolved and you are safe to leave. You will be going to and from school with Alana and down here will be yours. This was Christopher's room-"


She gestures around the room, "-and all the clothes should fit you, feel free to wear them if not I would gladly buy you new ones. Anything you need? Ask. You are welcome to everything in my house just as Alana is and don't be scared because in this house no one will hurt you. I will protect you as my own just as your mother would have. You're safe Levi, I promise."

Safety is only a illusion, I'm never safe. Not from him, maybe for the time being but not forever. He will find a way to get me. He always does.

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