-New Meteli-

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-Cadenza's POV-
I was working out some plan's for the new meeting room when one of my guards said there are some people who know you are at the gates asking for you. I went to go see and I saw my friends and my adoptive younger brother Laurence.
"Guards open the gates and get them to my house at once!"
"Yess Lord Zvahl." Said her head guard.
The guards take them to Cadenza's house.
"OMI! Aphmau, Laurence it's so glad to see you here! Why are you here?"
"We need to get through New Meteli so we can go to the Falcon Claw." Replies Aphmau.
"Why do you need to go to Falcon Claw?"
"In search of a Magical Golden Harp that can answer all of our questions and about what does the relic do." Replies Katelyn.
"You guys need to stay here for a day and just relax. I will have my guards take the boys to another place in the village for the night."
"Wait! Cadenza can Jinbop stay with me in another room." Asks Aphmau looking at Jinbop smiling.
"Well he...he is my brother and I am the...." Says Aphmau.
"Aphmau you can tell them it's okay." Says Jinbop hugging her.
"Well um... Me and Jinbop are the son and daughter of Thor of Asgard."
"Well now that you know he is just there just incase I have a physical dream he can heal me with my hammer Mjolnir." Says Aphmau.
"Why do you need the hammer to heal you?"
"Well Loki my uncle is after me and when he puts me into a physical dream he can hurt me pretty badly and only me and Jinbop can lift the hammer." Explaines Aphmau.
"Well let's get you guys to bed then."
"That sounds great Cadenza." Exclaims Aphmau.
They go to bed and Aphmau feels something that she doesn't like at all.
Hey guys I gope you enjoyed this chapter New Meteli. Surprise Aph is the daughter of thor Oddinson!

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