-The Friends Reunite Again-

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"Um, Jess who are these people? Askes Laurence.
"They are my old friends!" Yells Jess.
-Sky's POV-
So we are lost and i hear a voice i recognize and i say to myself "No, no, it can't be. She's gone , she can't be alive." When i turn the corner of a hill i see Barney staring at someone. "Barney stop looking at the dirt hill we need to get out of here and get back to the office." When I was staring at Barney I see a head tilt and there she was...Aphmau. I couldn't believe it, I though see was dead after the nether fight we had together. But she is alive and I started to cry.
"S...S..Sky!?" Yelled Jess.
Jess starts to cry too.
She runs at me and she hugs me and I hug back. When we were done hugging I see people with swords drawn and angry faces and it looks like they were about to attack us.
"Jess, why are you in this forest?"
"And who are these people?"
"Oh Sky let me introuduce my Guards." Spoke Jess.
"This is my head guard Laurence, then theres Garroth, Katelyn. Here is My 2 sons Levin and Malachi and my friend Zoey." Explains Jess.
"Guys this is ThatGuyBarney, Skydoesminecraft, Jinbop, and House_Owner or you can call him Ross, these are my friends."
"Nice to meets yous Dirts." Says Barney bowing.
"Hey did he just call us dirt!?" Yells Laurence amd Garroth.
" No,no...no...no Laurence and Garroth thats how he speaks what he is really saying is "Nice to meet you guys." He..he is just trying to be nice." Explains Jess.
-Aphmau's POV-
I can't believe there hear. i thought they were gone after the nether incident we had when we were little with the shadow knights. Maybe they can join us so we can catch up.
"Hey guys do you want to join us in our adventure?"
"Hey Jess , can you come over here for a second?" Asks Laurence.
" Jess what are you thinking! Can we trust them?" Explains Laurence.
"Yes guys we can trust them. I've known them sense we were all kids."
"Okay we will join you Jess." Answers Sky.
"Then lets move."
They get out of the Yangrasile Forest and they head straight to....

SURPRISE! Hey guys i hope you enjoyed this chapter The Freinds Reunite Again with Sky,Jin,Ross,and Barney as they see Jess again and meet some new faces.

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