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Hey guys! Hope you have a great Merry Christmas and Happy new year! Make sure you enjoy the time you have with your friends and family this holidays. Be happy and have fun! The reason why I said enjoy the time with your friends and family is because 2 or 3 years ago on December 26th my mom and dad got a phone call saying my grandma didn't go into work this morning,(my grandma was 87 and still working). They went to her house and well my dad found grandma in her room. She passed away at midnight. I didn't find out til later and it has been hard for me, and my mother because she was in our lives forever..... After that, I dreaded the holidays because we also buried her on new years eve. Sorry if I seem sad but writing helps me forget that stuff. And sorry for not updating in a while is because I am trying to help a friend out with problems at home. I hope you guys understand and have a good merry Christmas and a happy new years. See ya in the next year guys and I love you!!! <3

Aphmaus Magical QuestTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon