Chpt. 15

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"Hey guys, Taylor gave me the best idea ever! We should go on a road trip!" I announced. We were currently helping Misuzu clean up one last time before we left. We have about a week left of summer vacation and we're leaving the pension tonight. It's kinda sad though. This place has grown on me. Poor Hikaru is gonna miss his ice cream. Oh yeah! Me and Hikaru are still together and we're insepereable. Ayako and Kaoru were always around with us tho, of course!

"That's a great idea A-chan! It sounds fun~! Right Takashi?"


"Great! We should start tonight, since we're leaving anyway. And in advance, I WANNA DRIVE FIRST!" Muahahaha! I can't wait!

"Nah! No way bitch! It was my idea so drive!"

"We I believe I should drive. I am, after all, the President of this club."

"Being a gentleman means being kind towards ladies like yourself. Therefore, for you, Ms. Foster,"Kkyouya then leaned over and whispered something in her ear which caused her to blush. WHAT DID HE SAY?! It's not fair! I wanna know what he said.

"Tamaki, it is only fair to let Taylor drive. She was the one who came up with the idea after all."

"Yay! Thank you Kyou Kyou-chan~"

"You're welcome. Now you owe me." he pushed up his glasses, hiding a smirk. He's up to something.

"Very well then. Tonight, we will begin our road trip!"

"Yay~! Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!" Ayako and I cheered.

"You girls are starting to sound like Hika-chan and Kao-chan!" nii-chan pointed out.

"No we're not!"

"Stop copying me!"

"GAH!" FUCK! The twins were laughing at us!


"It's alright babe. I think it's cute." Damn him and his ability to make me blush.

"Quiet or I'll call you by your pet name in front of everyone!" I smirked. I love his pet name. I made it up myself! 

"You wouldn't." He narrowed his eyes. 

"D'awe what's wrong~. You think it's too embarrassing?" teased Taylor. Oh well guess I don't have to say it.

"Shut up or I'll stick Kyouya-Senpai's pen up your-" I slapped my hand on his mouth. DON'T SAY THAT IDIOT! IT'S GROSS!

"Well too late Monkey Buns!! Now they know, all of them know. And nothing can make me take it back" Hikaru instantly turned bright red and moved my hand away.

"You told her?!"

"I only told the girls!" I turned to the others and found everyone laughing. Mori was just smirking.

"It's okay, Hikaru...we won't tell anyone~" Kaoru told him in between laughs.

"Ugh. Shut up Kaoru," he smirks, "or should I say, Cuddle Cakes?" Kaoru instantly stopped laughing, but everyone else continues.

"Shut up! Aya-chan, why'd you tell Ali? You know she has a big mouth!" he mumble to Ayako.

"What was that, Hitachiin?" I glared at my boyfriend's twin.

"Huh? N-nothing!" He laughed nervously. I rolled my eyes and held Hikaru's hand.

"Let's start packing guys!!" I exclaimed.

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