Meeting Bro

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It was hard for me the few hours we drove. I honestly had no clue what to expect when I met him.

Finally arriving at Dave's apartment, i immediately caught a case of butterflies and felt sick. I guess he noticed because he grabbed my hand and smiled, then led me out the door.

"It's gonna be fine Jade relax, hes not that bad okay?.. maybe a bit of a flirt at times but he isn't that bad"

Dave opened the front door to find a half intoxicated bro coincidentally laying half naked on the couch and blabbering about some show on tv. He quickly threw a blanket on bro before I walked in.

"Sorry he gets this way sometimes when I'm gone for a while. Anyway make yourself at home Jade..ill be back, bro probably hasnt gone to the store since I left and if we wanna eat I better go now.."

"Oh alright. Take your time, I don't want you to get hurt or anything." I smiled softly before looking down at my feet and sliding into the small love seat across from bro.

I felt really uncomfortable for some reason I just couldn't figure out why, but I didn't want to tell Dave because I really wanted to spend time with him.

I waved as Dave eventually walked out the door and left. Bro was still laying on the couch and all I could do was sit there. I was too afraid to move and actually produce a conversation with him.

He eventually sat up and went to the bathroom, giving no decency to the fact I was there. After he came back he just looked at me for a while with a grin like he had something up his sleeve.

"Well hey there pretty lady... What brings you here huh?"

"Oh I came with Dave, but he left to go get something for dinner.. He should be back soon."

"Ahh so your his little girlfriend now? That's cool...I was kinda aiming for that terezi girl...she seemed better fit for him.."

"Oh um..." I honestly had no clue what to say. I'm pretty sure bro had just insulted me in some way.

"Just messing with yah girl...say what's your name if you don't mind me askin' ?"

"Oh uh sorry my name is Jade. And your bro ... Dave has told me a lot about you and how he was raised.."

"Really? Huh he's never talked about that shit with anyone before..." He winked at me and proceeded to go back to his show and ignore me the rest of the time that Dave was gone.

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