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Today was the day, I had all my bag ready and my passport was good to go. All I needed to do now was locate bec. He was probably doing some weird adventure outside, I'm never able to find him when I need him.

Once running outside he automatically appeared after hours of searching for him.

"bec your going to make me late for our plane ride! Now hurry and help me get ready!"

With a low growl he finally staggered away obediently. I couldn't make him do anything so this was strange, I decided that now would be a perfect
time to go check out the ruins by the house.


Once reaching the ruins I could tell no one had been here recently, I'm pretty much the only fool to be going into such a place.

A few hours of looking around and I began to get bored, I really didn't see why bec kept me out of here.

I was shaken out of my daze by a few loud crashes, a few rocks had fallen from the ceiling and blocked my way from escaping. great. Just peachy now I can't get out.

I decided that going deeper in might help me find somewhere I could maybe call or escape.



Before I knew it I had been held under a collapse of rocks, my legs felt heavy, but maybe it was the rocks position over my body. I couldn't see anything, it was too dusted and cloudy to make out everything around me.

"This isn't good, how am I supposed to get out. How is bec supposed to find me... What if I die in here?!?!"

I was begining to panic. The thought of never being found was scary to say the least. The only things flashing in my mind were the faces of John and rose, there grieving and tragic faces.

Then daves. Daves almost made me cry, his eyes red and puffed under a pair of shades he tried to hide them with. His quivering body as he finds out I'm not there.

No. I can't think about that. Maybe someone might notice I'm gone.. Surely bec will look for me. I hope so...And soon.

From Apples Came SquiddlesWhere stories live. Discover now