Pesterchum Conversation

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I woke up outside. Man I had to start controlling this. I can't keep sleeping outside. Walking back inside I checked my pesterchum and noticed Dave had been trying to get ahold of me all day.

TG: yo
TG: Jade
TG: damn your probably asleep again.
TG: I need to talk to you about some serious shit when you get on.
TG: like top notch shit
TG: seriously I'm crushing
TG: falling hardcore for a nerd.

God I can't believe he's coming to me about trying to get with John. The nerve of him. I'm sure as hell not going to help him get with John, but it would be rude not to answer him.

GG: really? And I'm guessing the need is John right? Usually I have a very good sense at this stuff. If it is John I won't tell hehehe ;)
TG: what?
TG: god no
TG: no way in hell am I crushing on mister no homo.
GG: then who is it? Is it one of the trolls? Gasp is it karkat?! Or maybe eridan??
TG: okay
TG: ew
TG: no just no but fuck no
TG: this nerd I like is.... Different

What the hell is he talking about? I named off every "nerd" we know.

TG: she's a cute one
TG: like half the bullshit she says always seems to make me laugh and smile
TG: but she doesn't like me the way I like her I can tell.
GG: well if I knew her name I might be able to help you
GG: I talk to the girls a lot if it's rose, or one of the female trolls them I pretty much know who they are flushed for
TG: okay shit
TG: promos you won't be mad?
GG: I promise hehehe :)
TG: well
TG: it's you
GG: oh
GG: um

I didn't expect that at all. I mean yeah some of the things he was saying should have hinted me to that answer but I guess my anger was blinding me. My face is blushing now, damn that cool kid. Once again he managed to crawl under my skin, but this time I didn't feel angered, I don't know what I was feeling.

I told Dave I was flattered and needed time to think and then logged off to go to bed.

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