In short, he wore a typical boys outfit.

We walked through the corridor and then handed over our room keys to the receptionist.

Joshwa walked towards his car and I followed behind. It was a black Audi with cream coloured seats.

"Thank you" I smiled, when he opened the car door for me.

He smiled in return and then jogged towards his seat i.e., the driver's seat.

"So where are going?" I asked, as he started the engine.

"Well, as I said we are going to the market-" He began.

"Which market?" I butted in.

"Borough market" He said and we drove off.

After ten minutes, I suddenly remembered what he had told me. I didn't really understand what he was trying to say, so I decided to ask him.

"Hey, Joshwa" I said to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He said and glanced at me.

"What did you mean by- move on to the next chapter or you'll never finish the book?" I asked and he smiled.

"Well" He began.

"When you're reading a book, you're always keen to know what happens in the next the chapter. But sometimes, we like one chapter so much that we intend to read it over and over again. We fall in love with that chapter so deeply that we just can't go ahead. We begin living with that chapter; just that one chapter. We have to learn to move on, we can't just stay on that same chapter forever, 'cause you know the people around you are in a constant race. They might just read the whole book and tell you the end, which will in turn spoil the fun that you were having while reading the book. Why would you want to read a book, when you already know the end?" He said.

His deep words hit me like a wrecking ball, everything suddenly started making sense. His words had a traumatizing effect on me.

"Woah" Was all I could say.

After that, we both fell silent. I kept thinking about what he said. I have no clue for as to how he came to know that I was stuck on one chapter; the chapter when my father left me.

Soon, we reached Borough market.

"You'll love this place" He smirked.

As we entered the market, I suddenly felt like home. It's pretty dumb to feel homely in a market, but this market resembled one of the markets in Amsterdam. The market where my father and I used to go every Sunday for grocery shopping.

"This place just..." I trailed off.

"Embellishes London" He said.

"Yeah" I sighed.

He slung his hand over my shoulder and then we walked through the market.

The Borough market was a closed area with dim lighting and there were many stalls at each side. There were various kinds of stalls. However, most of the stalls sold vegetables, fish, bread, etc. People walked with shopping baskets in their hand and there were loud echoes of people bargaining with the vendors. It was a typical market but a swanky one and I was more than just impressed with this place.

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