Chapter Thirty-Six

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“As if! So proud of you, top of the class right?”

“Yup, I even beat Martin and nobody ever beats him”

Lola broke into a smile at the sound of her brothers voice down the phone. She had missed hearing him so much, and it was so relaxing to hear that he was doing fine without her there. John was taking good care of him, and she couldn’t have been more thankful towards him for that.

“So what have you been doing at home now school’s over?”

“John is teaching me football so I can get on the year two’s team when we go back to school. He’s really good”

”Ah but are you better than him?”

“Not yet, but I will be!” he beamed down the phone “I scored a goal because he fell over the post”

Lola laughed, picturing it in her head. It must have felt a little lonely at home, just John and Jake. But she assumed they were developing a fast growing bond, now that Jake was off for his school holidays. She also wondered whether John was satisfied with his life right now, and was still happy to be acting as their guardian.

“Glad to hear you grabbed an opportunity to score when you saw one” Lola chuckled, resting her head against the fridge as she leant against it. She heard rustling in the background a female voice

“Gemma is here and I think she wants a turn with the phone” Jake said, disappointment in his voice. Lola nodded glumly, even though he couldn’t see her.

“Where’s John?”

“He’s at work, Gemma is looking after me today”

“Okay, well. I’ll call again soon. I miss you”

“I miss you when are you coming home”

“I don’t know Jake, but I promise it won’t be long” Lola said, not having planned what was going to happen next. She was just taking it as it came. Alan had already said they could stay a week at max and she wanted to make the most of that offer.

“Okay” he pouted, wanting his sister to come home again.

“Speak to you soon bro”

“Yeah” Jake’s childlike voice replied “Bye Lola”

Lola hung up, feeling a little less homesick after hearing her brothers voice. She wanted to speak to John too, just to thank him but since he wasn’t in, she assumed Harry would have already reassured him they were okay.


Her mind drifted back to last night, making her let out a loud irritable groan. She remembered the argument they’d had, Lucas, and the stupid words that left her mouth when they curled up into bed.

I think I love you

“Stupid stupid stupid” Lola hissed to herself, smacking her hand to her forehead. She was embarassed, but she couldn’t deny that it was true what she said. Even truer than how she worded it. Right now, this morning, she wasn’t even doubting that she loved Harry. She hadn’t spoken to him since last night. As soon as she woke up this morning, she found the bed was empty. His warm, comforting body wasn’t close beside her like she was hoping, her waist was missing his protective arm. She expected to feel his soft eyelashes flutter against her cheek and his curls tickle her jaw as he held her close, wrapped up in his limbs.

But she was alone in an empty bed. It turned out that he’d gone for a walk alone, needing a think. He left a note on the bedside table. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about the guilt wracking his stomach. As soon as Lola told him she loved him, he thought back to how she was the victim in their previous relationship. He felt such remorse for putting her through such a range of emotions, and now he’d made her fall for him.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat