Chapter Six

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“Are you kidding me?!” Jackie voice rasped loudly from the speaker.

“Nope. Can you believe my luck?!” Lola raised the rhetorical question, sighing to herself.

“Gosh, something’s beginning to tell me this is a sign”

“Sign for what?!”

“I don’t know….it’s just weird you know. After everything Harry does and how much you hate each other, you still always end up being pushed together. The universe is trying to tell you something”

“If anything, the universe is trying to tell me that it hates me and thoroughly enjoys watching Harry torment me”

“What was dinner actually like? Did he do anything?”

“No, well, not really. He just has that way of making me feel really small without really doing much. Even in my own home”

“Shit, can’t believe I was foolish enough to think he was a decent guy”

“You weren’t, if you were foolish then everyone else is too. The funny thing is, he seems to believe that he is a decent guy” Lola scoffed “And that i’m the only person he’s not nice to”

“Well….I guess that makes sense. Since I had no idea what he was like until you told me”

“Guess i’ll have to hibernate in my room until my Mum and John break up and avoid him as much as I can” Lola joked

“What makes you so sure they will break up?”

“Have you ever known my Mother to not break up with a man? It’s always her that ends it. She pretends to be the perfect companion and in love with this man, then she gets bored. I’m telling you, it’s only a matter of time before she gets bored of John”

“Ha is he as much of a twat as Harry is?”

“No, he’s really nice actually. Another reason I can’t figure out where Harry got his heartless side from”

“Probably just a defence mechanism. You know, you could actually end up getting along after all this”

“Ha I would bet you any amount of money that would never happen. We just clash. We always have”

“I dont have any money to bet you on but i’ll buy you the One Tree Hill complete box set for your next birthday if i’m right”

Lola smiled and was about to reply when she heard voice coming up the stairs. Pulling the phone away from her ear, she recognised the male voice to belong to John and the other belonging to her Mum.

“Gotta go, Mum and John are hanging around, don’t want them to hear us talking about Harry”

“Good idea” Jackie laughed “See you tomorrow”

“Bye!” Lola hung up, reluctantly swinging her legs from her bed and opening the door to go downstairs. Playing with Jake would be more entertaining than being within a 10 metres radius of her Mum’s irritating giggles.



Lola was pouring cold milk into a bowl of dry cereal, her eyelids feeling tight after having just woken up. The kitchen floor was cold beneath her bare feet and the ends of her pyjama bottoms skimmed across the floor as she traipsed to the fridge.

She couldn’t help a yawn slowly stretch across her features, making her eyes water slightly. Jake bound into the kitchen, dressed in his school uniform. He hopped up onto the kitchen table, ready and waiting for his cornflakes.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat