Chapter Ten

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"Hey! You guys arrived, come drink get me with"

Lola was stunned at the drunken state of the girl who answered the door. She recognised her, but didn't know her name. She was stumbling around, slurring her words and mixing up sentences and it wasn't even ten o'clock yet. The girl wondered off quickly and Lola turned to Jackie

"Wow, please don't let me get like that" she laughed

"Haha I won't, but please feel free to let me get as drunk as you want. I need it" she replied, as they stepped into the house. There were people littering every corner of the first floor and the stairs, drenching their throats in alcohol and making out against walls. Music blared heavily through the walls, the beat thumping through her ears. Lola always felt a little out of place at first but she knew she'd ease into the party later on.

This guy must really not have cared about the state his house was getting into since the living room was crowded. Bottles and cans littering the tables, a topless chubby teenager doing some sort of drunken food challenge and being laughed at by his mates. Lola scrunched her nose up and awkwardly twiddled her finger through a wave of blonde hair.

She looked over to the right side of the room and quickly spotted the subject of tonights game. Zayn Malik was sitting amongst two lads and two girls, a can of lager in his hand and empty shot glasses on the table.

His jet black hair was slightly messy, the front sticking up. He wore a dark top with an open checked shirt, complimenting his olive skin tone and marble brown eyes. Lola gulped and tried to conjure up a way of approaching him. Zayn and Lola had spoken at school sometimes, and he was usually quite sweet. They had never really had proper conversations, and he wasn't anything like Harry despite them being best friends. Zayn seemed more down to earth, funnier and even slightly romantic.

There was no way Lola was going to tell Jackie about her encounter with Harry in the bathroom earlier on. She knew that Jackie would carelessly kick off and want to confront Harry, which in the end wouldn't turn out well for Lola. She was only agreeing to Harry's commands because she didn't want to give him another opportunity to cause her hassle.

But the worst possibility was ticking at the back of her head

What if I can't make him dump Emma?

She couldn't call the shots. She either could or she couldn't. It couldn't be that hard to get Zayn to agree to something, especially under the influence of alcohol and making him believe there was a possibility of sex involved. Lola wasn't really going to go as far as sex, but she was sure as hell going to try her best to convince him otherwise.

Jackie had dispersed to another area of the house, finding girl friends from school to converse with. This was a good opportunity for Lola to put her plan into action without Jackie getting suspicious.

It was only twenty minutes later that Lola found herself mid conversation with Zayn. She didn't want to babble, she didn't know what to say though. Her stomach clenched with nerves as she held her Malibu and coke, her finger tracing the clear glass rim.

"You heard from Harry this evening Lola?" Zayn asked

"Yeah, he was getting ready when I was leaving" Lola smiled, trying to maintain subtle eye contact with Zayn without seeming creepy. But it was working. She noticed his dark chocolate brown irises looking solely into her own, before his gaze flickered down her body slightly. He subconciously bit his lip, before taking a drink from his bottle.

"You look hot" he said

Lola was secretly flustered inside but remained calm, giving him a smile, her red lips gleaming and leant a little closer to him. "Thanks, you don't look bad yourself"

A small flirtatious grin tugged at the corner of his mouth and Lola felt she was doing well so far. She wasn't a natural flirt, she didn't have it in her. Sometimes guys approached her and she just played along with it, but she never made the first move herself.

She tried to think of something else to say and took a sip from her drink, looking at her surroundings from beneath her lashes.

"I don't know half the people here" she commented, seeing dozens of strangers dancing around and socialising. "But then again I don't really know who's party this is"

Zayn chuckled softly "It's a lad called Josh, in our year. Seems he's got a lot of mates apparently"

"Yeah I figured" Lola said with a small laugh "A lot of hot ones at that" she muttered

"Oh yeah?" Zayn grinned, hearing her quiet comment "You got your eye on someone?" he teased

"No...." she replied "I'm just saying"

"Hm yeah course you are" he joked "It's the topless Peter Griffin lookalike over there isn't it"

"Oh my god" Lola sighed with a laugh, seeing the chubby guy chomping on handfuls of crisps, crumbs around his chin. "Oh yeah, couldn't get much hotter"

"Okay so... what's your type then?" Zayn asked, a tugging at his lips as the small circular rim of the bottle met them.

"I'm keeping my options open" she smirked, crossing one leg over the other, her ankle lightly brushing against his calve. Zayn glanced down at the slim toned legs clad in tight leggings, petite feet dressed in a pair of sexy nude heels.

Zayn had the thought of Emma swimming at the back of his mind, but the thought was being repressed. They weren't officially dating or anything, just 'seeing' each other. Zayn never really looked at Lola in this new kind of way before. She was pretty, and she was cute, but he never saw her as 'hot'. Until now as he realised what had been right infront of his eyes..


A girl in a tight midnight blue dress headed up the staircase towards the third floor bathroom. This house was huge, yet being plastered with evidence of a wild party when the parents were clearly away.

Harry leant against the wall, arms folded and a cheeky glint to his eye as he mischeviously glanced at her bum wiggling as she walked upstairs. Emma hadn't seen him yet, but he was planning on suprising her.

As she locked the bathroom door, Harry hid behind the wall, hearing some kissing noises coming from a bedroom nearby. He felt like sneaking a peek through the gap in the door but heard the toilet being flushed and the door opening.

Emma walked out the bathroom not noticing him, the landing was dark as the only lights on were in the bedrooms. She was startled when she felt two large hands land on her hips.

"Guess who" a husky voice whispered into her neck, his breath hot on her skin. Emma turned to see Harry grinning down at her, his plump lips damp and head craning down towards hers for a kiss. Emma jerked her head to the left so his lips planted onto her cheek, a confused look spreading across his face.

"Come on, don't be like that" he said, the tip of his nose nuzzling onto her hair and kissing her neck again. "I like this dress. So sexy baby" he said, his hand giving her bum a gentle squeeze

"Uh" Emma got lost in the feeling of Harry's mouth caressing her warm skin, for a few seconds before she snapped back to reality. It took every ounce of restraint she had to push him off her. Harrys touch made her weak at the knees but she knew it was only physical, and not what she wanted with Zayn "N-no, Harry. Stop"

She turned away from him and hurried downstairs, hearing Harry's footsteps following her and catching her up.

"No" she repeated as he took hold of her hand, pulling her back to him. Emma glanced nervously at the people hanging around nearby, people that could see them together "Zayn is here, he will see. Someone will see us"

"Well you won't have to worry about that for much longer" he replied

"Harry" Emma sighed "I'm not going to break up with Zayn, I don't want that. This..." she gestured between the two of them "Needs to stop. We can't keep this up or let what happened last week happen again. Okay?"

Harry looked at her for a minute, realising by her worried facial expression that she was serious. For the time being she was choosing Zayn, but he figured if all went as planned, Emma would be crawling back to Harry soon enough.

He huffed childishly and held his hands up infront of her, showing her she was free to go. Emma left him and Harry chewed on his inner lower lip, feeling lost with what to do now. He could always find someone else to flirt with for the time being but he was quite interested in seeing how Lola was getting on with her part of the deal.

'I bet Zayn's taking pity on the pathetic little girl

Little did Harry know, the very opposite was happening. A new flirty tension had formed between Zayn and Lola, as if they were surrounded by a bubble separating them from the rest of the party. The deep conversation was now flowing effortlessly, genuine laughs and grins of admiration bouncing between them.

Harry sunk himself in a chair next to another one of the lads.

"Wheyy Harry you made it, was just talking to Nick about the game next week. You in?" he gave Harry a firm pat on the back. Harry leant forward, his forearms resting on his knees as he acted interested. He nodded, his eyes wandering to the side as he caught a glimpse of the cosy pair in the corner.

Lola happened to glance over at Harry at the exact same time, seeing him psyching her out. Almost like two invisible lazers were connecting their eyes from across the room, oblivious to the other guests. His facial expression never faulted as Lola looked to him nervously, struggling to hold his intense stare for longer than a few seconds.

Harry saw Lola look to him from the corner of her eye, her body facing Zayn. He could have sworn he saw some kind of mischevious teasing grin tug at her lips, as if she was enjoying this.

The aim wasn't supposed to be for her to pull Zayn, it was to make him get rid of Emma so Harry could have her.

Lola knew Harry was watching them as he engaged in conversation with his mates. She didn't even need to look over to sense him glaring at the two of them. Lola threw caution to the wind and subtley brushed Zayn's arm, glancing at his lips almost as an invitation.

Zayn chewed his lip slightly as he witnessed Lola's sparkling blue eyes drop their gaze down to his mouth then back up again. She had her delicate palm resting on his arm, her legs crossed towards him. A clear body language sign when a girl is interested. He was tempted, so tempted to make a move on her. He wasn't sure if it was his drunken mind thinking irrationally or whether he really wanted this. Emma was peeking through at the back of his mind, he knew he shouldn't, but was making a list of reasons it could be considered acceptable. It wouldn't be cheating because him and Emma weren't a proper couple.

'What the hell, she's nicer anyway' he thought, throwing back a gulp more alcohol for courage

Lola was suprised as it was only a few minutes later before Zayn's hand had found it's way to her thigh. Instantly her first thought was 'what if he feels my cuts' despite the fact she was wearing leggings. Although she wasn't used to recieving such attention, she couldn't help feel an attraction towards him, and was beginning to genuinely enjoy his company.

But she had to remember it was part of the deal, she still needed to convince him to break it off with Emma.

It wasn't even about keeping Harry away from her tonight so she could have fun, simply because most of her night had already been wasted sitting here. It was because she knew if she didn't agree to his proposal, Harry would prove his annoyance about her lack of obedience to him. And if she failed at completing her part of the deal, she would get further abuse for it; yet again. She lost either way. It was crazy the amount of control Harry had over her. He always won.

Harry watched from afar as he saw them becoming closer. He saw how touchy feely they were getting, and was becoming anxious that she wasn't completing her task as much as she was loving the attention. If Emma wasn't seeking him for post break up comfort by the end of the night, he would make sure Lola knew how much of a failure she was. He saw them in their own little world, Zayn bringing his lips to her ear and whispering something.

Lola tensed a little at the feel of his breath on the sensitive skin and how his lips brushed her ear slightly.

"Why don't we go somewhere on our own yeah?" he suggested

"You have a girlfriend"

"I didn't mean like that" he defended himself, suddenly worried that she assumed he wanted sex "I wanna get out of here for a bit, come with me babe" he said, winding his fingers between hers.

Lola became suddenly aware that she had actually gotten Zayn to like her in such a short space of time. That had certainly never happened before. She could smell the alcohol on his breath and knew he was kind of drunk judging by how he'd demolished two drinks since she'd sat down.

He cleared his throat a little, sighing slightly "Do you like me?"

"Uh..." Lola stuttered, taken aback by his question. She nervously fiddled with her hair "Uh y-yeah yeah"

She wasn't even sure of what she felt towards him, but she had no choice but to agree.

"Well that's good then" he grinned, giving her a kiss on the cheek "I like you too so let's go"

"Wait no, what about Emma?"

"Don't worry about it, i'll sort that" was all he said, before he stood up with her, leading her out of the room. She wasn't sure if that meant he was going to dump her. But it sounded close enough to her.

Lola passed Harry on her exit, feeling his strong glare and seeing the edges of his mouth twitching upwards into a content smirk. Lola gave him a nod of confirmation to tell him she'd done it, and saw Harry drop his eyelid into a wink in response as she reached the door exiting the room.

THIS IS NOT MY STORY. All credit goes to go follow and check her out. She has an amazing blog and is a beautiful writer.

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