Chapter Thirty-Five

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“Oh they look cute right?” Alice smiled, cocking her head to the side. Harry frowned and shrugged, biting onto the skin on his inner lip.

When the burgers had been eaten, one of Lucas’s female friends produced a bag of marshmellows and skewers. She passed them around and told everyone to toast them over the fire. Everyone shuffled themselves further towards the warmth in the centre, holding the sugary white marshmellows over the flame.

“I’m cold Harry” Alice said. Harry would usually offer the girl his jumper but since he evidently wasn’t wearing one today, he expected she wanted a cuddle. And he wasn’t really up for giving her one.

“Why don’t you move closer to the fire?” he suggested. She dropped her facial features a little in dissappointment before shuffling forward reluctantly, rubbing her arms. Harry met Lola’s eye contact between the flames, the air becoming wobbly from the heat. She gave him a weak encouraging smile, trying to provoke that signature smile out of him. Which she didn’t get.

“I wanna take a walk, Lola come with?” Lucas said, holding his hand out to Lola. She hesitated slightly

“I’m a little cold, I kinda wanna stay near the fire” she said, giving him an apologetic smile. Harry instantly went to unzip his hoodie when he realised he wasn’t wearing one, and instead bought his hand up to scratch his neck to avoid an awkward arm motion. 

Alice kept talking on down his ear for a while, Harry starting to not bother pretending to listen anymore. He pulled his phone out and send a text to Lola, hoping she’d feel her phone in her pocket.

‘When is your little boyfriend gonna realise he looks like he’s holding marbles in his cheekbones’

To Harrys amusement, Lola felt the vibration in her pocket and read the text. She scrunched her face a little and looked up at Harry, throwing him a look of disapproval. She knew he didn’t like Lucas but he was behaving quite immature in her opinion. Lucas hadn’t done anything wrong. And she was infact quite enjoying the attention he was giving her.

“Are you alright Harry?” Alice asked, leaning onto him slightly. He shifted uncomfortably and she noticed his face was set like stone, no attempt to smile it off.

“I think i’m gonna go soon” he said bluntly, in a low deep voice. He shook his hand through his unruly waves, wetting his pink lips slightly, his brows almost touching as he looked down at the sand. He felt his pulse race a little faster as he sensed Lucas moving closer to Lola out the corner of his eye, leaning in close. Lucas smiled smugly, feeling Harrys eyed locked on them.

“Why? It’s still early”

Harry tried not to but couldn’t help looking over to them again, his jaw clenched as he saw Lucas whispering in Lola’s ear, drifting down to press his pouty lips onto the skin beneath. Lola turned her head an inch, his mouth so close to her jawline.

Harry felt sick looking at it, he didn’t need to sit and watch this anymore.

He abruptly got up, not bothering to say bye to Alice. He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked off, feeling pairs of eyes burning into his back questioningly. He heard mentions of his name and Lola call after him as the group became confused by his sudden exit. He suddenly starting to regret it, as his heart pumped hard and fast against his chest, wondering if he over-reacted

He headed back towards the house, not planning on going in. He wanted to be alone now, not watching reluctantly as Lucas and Lola grew closer as the night drew in. Having to watch them laughing and kissing, when he really didn’t want to be there anyway. He didn’t know what was making him so annoyed and why he hated seeing it so much, but he hated Lucas for touching her. Thinking it was acceptable to be so forward and lay his hands on her like his prey. She wasn’t his to handle.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin