“No need to look so scared. I’m just curious. I found these in the wash” he said, holding up a pair of light wash skinny jeans “With this in the back pocket”

He held up a little piece of paper, with Lola’s Dads photo and address on it. Lola felt the blood rush to her cheeks as she tried to figure out a gentle explanation. She didn’t want to offend him, but was secretly hoping for his encouragement on her plans to find her biological father.

“I wouldn’t ask or wonder what it was, if it wasn’t for this picture on it” he said, flipping it over and having a look at the old yellow photograph “It looks a good 20 or 30 years old. Who is it?”

“It’s… my Dads address” Lola admitted

Johns eyes opened a little wider with suprise, and he nodded slowly. Christina never opened up much about her childrens fathers, so he hadn’t been fully informed on what the situation was. He knew that they didn’t really have contact with their Dads, and that they’d never been bothered about it.

But it was obvious Lola was bothered, and as she’d gotten older, her curiosity had grown. She felt like it was unfair for people to assume she would cope without a father. It was unfair that she’d never been asked if she was okay with it, or been offered the opportunity to see him. So now she’d had to do it for herself, if no-one else was going to do it for her

“I want to find him” she confessed

At the dark top of the stairs, Harry had paused when he heard John ask for a word with Lola. Not being seen, just eavesdropping. He frowned in confusion to himself as he heard Lola talk about her Dad. He knew from innocent chats with Jake that neither of them knew their Fathers.

His bare feet slowly and quietly slumped down the steps a little so he could see them both.

“Find him? How are you planning on doing that?” John asked

“I don’t know all the details yet, but it’s something I want to do..” Lola replied to him, her fingers linking together nervously

Harry cleared his throat to catch their attention and both his Dad and Lola looked up to him. He wanted to talk to her but didn’t want John to think it was anything serious. Just teenage stuff

“Lola come up for a minute?”

Lola glanced between them both awkwardly and nodded. She noticed how Harry had changed into just a pair of slouchy joggers, riding low on his narrow hips. His bare torso gave her quick flashbacks of that heated night, pinned beneath him and feeling that same muscular golden abs rubbing against her stomach as he ground into her.

“I’ll explain more to you in a minute” she told John before running upstairs to follow Harry. He remained still standing on the top steps. Lola stopped at his step and met his tense gaze nervously, she couldn’t read it. His eyes were glowing olive colour and his curls were dark and thick rich brown. He held her eye contact for a few seconds before heading up the last two steps.

“My room” he said, turning right.

Lola followed and sat down on his plush bed with him, leaning back against the painted brown wall. Harry sank back into the mattress. He’d cleaned the dried blood of his lip but the darkening tender bruise on his cheek had a slightly yellow ring around it

“That looks sore”

“It’s alright” he said “He has a decent left hook on him, i’ll give him that”

Lola forced a weak smile and shook her head. Harry watched her loose blonde locks wave slightly and shuffled closer, resting his weight into the hand planted behind Lola’s back. He was so warm next to her, and she caught a waft of his unique natural manly scent as he sat close. Even though it was inappopriate given the difficult situation that had occured this afternoon, she couldn’t help the dirty thoughts drifting into her head. Even more so as he leant back on his elbows and she saw his abdomen muscles tensing and deep V lines become prominent above his pelvis, leading down beneath the waistband of his low white boxers, a faint line of dark coarse hair peeking above the elastic.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя