Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

“I’m going outside for a minute” he told his Mum before brushing past Lola’s arm and heading outside. The scent of him wafted from the soft material of his hoodie to beneath her nostrils and she felt like nothing else mattered but tangling her fingers in his messy curls and kissing him again, and again.

‘God, is this how you’re supposed to feel when you see the person who took your virginity?!’ she wondered, even more so since it was someone she’d hated for so long. Was it even normal to fantasise about her bully in such a way?

Lola turned to Anne and gave her a slightly awkward smile, almost intimidated by how young and attractive she looked. “Just wanna say, i’m really sorry for the loss of your husband”

Anne’s features softened and she gave Lola a loose grateful smile “Thank you, i’m sure you’ve been a lovely comfort to Harry, especially since he’s been spending a lot of time here”

“I think he just likes to….get away, if that makes sense. Not in a bad way, I don’t mean from you, just-“

“I know what you meant” she chuckled “He’s lucky to have a nice girl around”

“Aha….not so sure about that” Lola said embarassed, scratching the back of her arm as her cheeks flushed a little

“Oh no of course, I bet he loves hanging around with you, since you’re his age and all. He’s probably got a secret crush on you knowing Harry. It doesn’t really take much mind”

Lola felt like her cheeks were about to burst into flames as she avoided looking at Anne and showing her embarassment, simply brushing off her compliments with nervous laughter.

Meanwhile in the garden, Harry was resting his back against the wall, scruffing the front of his shoes against the gravel. He kicked a couple of stones, debating whether he’d be able to sneak a quick smoke before his parents noticed. He wasn’t fond of his parents being together like this, because he knew it always meant they were going to discuss him or Gemma; usually Harry.

He had a faint idea over what it was about, since Anne had found a screwed up empty packet of cigarettes in Harrys jeans pocket. She confronted him and he could only shrug, not really caring anymore. She understood that he was still finding ways to grieve but Anne always despised smoking and couldn’t imagine her children ever succumbing to the bad habit. They were good kids and she’d raised them well, at least she thought she had.

Then she started to let all her other observations spill out, ranting at Harry about how often he’d been coming home drunk lately. And how little he sat down and ate a proper family meal with her. Harry could sense his Mum getting upset as she revealed her concerns, simply not knowing what to do anymore. Harry used to be so affectionate and open to her, telling her everything and going to her for advice. But now it was different. He didn’t seem like her little boy anymore. When he gave her a hug, she couldn’t feel as much of him as she used to.

Harry didn’t want to ruin his relationship with his Mum, because she meant more to him than anyone else in the world. Her and Gemma were the two women he’d always be around for, but he felt like he was slipping away after Andys death.

Now he was certain that his parents were discussing the same thing right this moment. Harry leant his head back against the brick wall and sloped off back inside, wanting to know what they were saying about him

He saw Lola perched awkwardly on the chair in the front room as his parents stood metres away in the hallway. She was pretending like she wasn’t listening and it was obvious, and almost amusing to Harry

“I just wonder if he needs some kind of councilling, or bereavement therapy” he heard his Mum say sympathetically “It’s been over five weeks and i’d expect him to still be down, but he’s not talking to me. He’s just going out with his mates, drinking, not eating”

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