Chapter Twenty-Four

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Lola shook her head, cupping the mug in both hands and dropping her head, looking down at the liquid before looking sideways to Harry “No, you came just in time”

Harry felt better that he had been lucky in a way to find them before it was too late and Lola became a sexual assault victim. He knew he had been as cruel as to stoop as low as Sam had, but seeing it from another perspective had fully opened his eyes. He was thankful that Zayn had seen the pair together, and felt the need to let Harry know what he saw. Just to be cautious. Zayn didn’t want to go over and seem possessive and upset Lola if there wasn’t anything wrong. He just got a anxious feeling about seeing her with an older guy, who dominantly wanted to be alone with her.

“You have been more careful Lo” Harry said, his authoritive, almost father like tone, sounding as if it was her fault “Don’t flaunt yourself about”

Lola scrunched her nose up and looked at him

“What is that supposed to mean? I do nothing of the sort. I didn’t have sex with Zayn or anything and since we broke things off, I haven’t even spoken to another guy. Except for tonight obviously..”

Harry remained silent for a few moments, realising that to be fair, his statement was quite exaggerated. Since Lola was more of a shy and timid girl when it came to lads, and wasn’t the sort of girl to put it around. She had respect for herself and he guessed, despite all the times he’s labelled her a pathetic virgin or frigid, he had to credit her for that.

“Zayn would have had you if you stayed with him long enough”

Lola imagined what it would be like with Zayn, using the memories of kissing him and feeling his hands roaming her body, caressing her skin and paying attention to every inch of her. She imagined he’d be caring for her first time, then he could be either way. Slow or rough. She never took or got the chance to pleasure him in the way he’d pleasured her once or twice, and wondered if she could have provided him with what he wanted. She wasn’t sure how experienced he was.

But it was only in the mind where these fantasies lay, she didn’t know why but she felt like in reality, it wasn’t going to happen. She couldn’t realistically see herself sharing her first time with Zayn, and she wasn’t even sure that she wanted to. In her head, something was standing in the way

And she was beginning to figure out what, or who, that might be

“I don’t think I even wanted Zayn to take my virgnity…” Lola announced, looking down at her lap and feeling her eyes well up a little. Why did she have such bad luck with boys? She always imagined she’d have had a proper boyfriend by now, a real one, who truly cared about her. She’d have shared everything with him and he’d have looked after her, protected her from all the sources of pain constantly wiggling their way through her life.

“And I really didn’t want that guy tonight to either…”

Lola left her sentence on a cliffhanger, looking up at Harry and biting her lip gently. He locked eyes with her and understood what she was saying, even if she wasn’t going to say it out loud.

She might have previously despised him, but it was obvious to both of them that Lola really cared about Harry. In a twisted way, she was stupidly fond of the person that made her life hell for two years, even though it was over nothing inparticular. Something about him kept drawing her back to him, like a moth to a flame, when she should have been sprinting a mile in the opposite direction.

“I know” Harry spoke

There was a heavy silent pause as both of them thought the same things, wondering about it. It took every ounce of restraint Harry had to snap himself out of this tension between them, and pull himself away before something unpredictable happened.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن