He concentrated on flicking the lighter onto the end, his eyebrows knitting together. His eyes left the end of the fag and met Lolas as he took a deep inhale from the end, his lips falling apart and eyes fluttering shut as he savoured the feeling of chemicals entering his lungs and thick smoke filling his throat. Lola couldn't take her eyes away as he locked his intense gaze on her again, the edges of his mouth twitching upwards into a smirk as he saw her disapproval.

"What's up huh?" his voice spoke huskily, reaching out and running his palm down her bare arm, making Lola flinch. Harry let the thick puff of grey smoke leave his lips and waft over to Lola, causing her to cough involuntarily.

He let out a low throaty chuckle, bringing the cigarette to his lips once again. He knew it annoyed her, and the immaturity and child in him only made him want to repeat that action.

Harry pouted his lips and blew smoke onto Lola, letting out a deep cackly laugh as she choked on the cloud of toxins. 

"Stop that, put it out" she whined "Ugh it's making me choke"

Harry laughed once again and stepped closer to Lola, gripping both her arms in his hands. He leant his head down to hers, the tips of their noses brushing and Lola tensed all her muscles, her breaths halting.

Harry let his mouth hang over hers, an inch or so gap between them. He moved forward ever so slightly, the peak of his plump lips grazing ever so lightly against Lola's, letting a poisonous cloud of hot smoke waft inbetween her soft lips.

Lola held her breath as a warm feeling surrounded her gums, making them tingle as goosebumps erupted over her body. She could feel the warmth of Harry as his cupid bow merely tapped Lola's, a centimetre still laying between there lower lips. She felt lost as the hot fumes of his breath melted onto her tongue, a crazy desperate urge washing over her to close the gap. An overwhelming need to taste him.

She snapped out of her few seconds of madness and felt her throat run dry and contract. She pushed Harry away by his chest and coughed heavily, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand to rid of any traces of him left on there.

Harry laughed at the reaction he was hoping for, and slumped backwards into the couch. He might have carried on and thrown some taunts at her but he felt too weak to really bully her, his body was crying out for rest but Harry wouldn't have it.

"Oh my god I need sleep"

"Go to fucking bed then" Lola said, still trying to exhale sharply and release any smoke left in her airways. She could taste it in her mouth and tightened her lips at the vile burnt flavour. "Ugh"

"I can't!" Harry muffled his face with a pillow. He struggled to sleep for longer than an hour without waking up and remembering. 

"Eat something. You're tired cause you haven't got any energy, without any food inside you" Lola said, having noticed Harrys lack of appetite. He usually had a huge varied appetite for food, and would eat all day and still maintained a good body. But now he looked skinnier, his t-shirts becoming less fitted and more baggy over her frame.

"I don't want anything!" he complained, pulling the pillow away from his face and chucking it over to the other side of the room in frustration "Argh I just want something to take my mind of things"

"You've had far too much alcohol, and smoked god knows what to distract you from reality Harry, maybe it's time to face it. What else can you possibly abuse to satisfy your needs?" she ranted, putting her hand on her hip as she looked down at him, fed up.

There was a short moment of silence as Harry's eyes lit up as he looked at Lola, seeing the answer to her question right infront of him. 

She frowned in confusion as his facial expression changed, his turquoise eyes travelling down the length of her legs and back up again. Lola's eyes widened in realisation but before she could back away, Harry had already reached out and caught her.

Damaged Goods. (A Harry Styles Fanic)Where stories live. Discover now